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Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:01 am
by lowrybt
Any thoughts on whether or not the Eidersoft ICE ROM will recognize IDE devices (WIN1_) connected via a QuBide (clone)?


Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:12 pm
by Outsoft
I would like to know If Ice Rom Mouse can be used as mouse in other applictations with some driver ;)

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:40 am
I have never really investigated the ICE ROM, but to use the mouse in other applications, you would have to develop a form of PTR_GEN mouse driver which would translate the mouse inputs (captured using the Icicle toolkit) into PTR_GEN mouse strokes.

Not very easy - if you are developing your own application, then you could use the Icicle toolkit to incorporate the Ice Mouse.

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:55 am
by Derek_Stewart

A long time ago, I used the with the Miracle Hard Drive plugged into the Rom Port and the ICE ROM Unit plugged in Miracle Hard Drive Rom Port, I think that the ICE Rom worked OK with the WIN device, though maybe I did configure ICE to recognise to the WIN device storage.

I will add this to the list of jobs I have to do. I have a ICE Rom unit, which in the lack of a ICE Mouse, I converted the Mouse output to work with an Atari Mouse... Only 2 buttons though.

I will set up a QL with ICE, QubIDE and see if I can remember what I did to get it working.

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:11 pm
by jose_leandro

I don't know if ICE ROM is the same that ICE system software.

If it's the same, I tested 1.6 version and I found it's nice. You can change MDV1 /FLP1 /RAM1 to WIN1 and it works. The problem is that it can't handle directories so you can click in a executable but if you click in a directory nothing happens.


José Leandro

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:22 am
by Derek_Stewart

I used to the ICE Rom System on a QL with a Miracle Hard Drive.

Since the ICE System did not know about Level 2 drivers (Subdirectories with a file type of 255), I had to use the Miracle Hard Drive command WIN2 to emulate a second WIN device, i.e. WIN2 and pointing the command to the desired subdirectory. This was done by using Minerva Muitibasic PIPEP command, a little messy but worked.

I was trying to reverse engineer ICE to give Level 2 compatibility, but the project did not progress any further than disassemble of the ICE Rom code.

Maybe this is something, that I could be picked up and develop, if any things it is good idea.

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:31 pm
It would be if I could persuade the rights owners to respond to emails...

Considering the rights to Eidersoft products are owned by a currently trading company you would think they would answer their damn emails! :(

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:06 pm
by Derek_Stewart

I will dig out the disassembly, though I did it many years in DISA, so it should be easy to do, only 16K of code.

I suppose David Jones sold the rights to ICE to Eithersoft.

Re: Does ICE ROM recognize WIN1 drives

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:02 pm
If I could get an answer out of Eidersoft I would know - no easy way of tracking down David Jones unfortunately..... He has not maintained any contact with the QL scene unlike another certain D. Jones.

From the brief response I had from the Company that Eidersoft became, it appears that they have the rights :( but when I suggested that some of their software be re-released or made freeware they stopped replying.