Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

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Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by dilwyn »

Anyone been able to get Minerva 1.98 to work with QemuLator?

I'm trying to fix a program bug to help someone and can't get it to work - I don't know if the 1.98 ROM image on my website is corrupt or not.

(1.97 works OK). QemuLator version 3.1.4

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by tofro »

doesn't work here as well with 1.98.
I get it to run until the start windows show up, but it never displays a cursor (It does look slower than JS, though, and you dont get QEmu to skip the RAM test with that ROM)

The very same ROM works fine on uqlx, though, and it's the version from your website. A freshly downloaded ROM image from Lau's place at https://94afed43f06da8b9c870c15d96cf7e0 ... 198bin.zip looks and behaves the same. I would thus guess the image is OK, but QEmu doesn't like it for some reason ;)


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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Here is Qemulator with the supplied Minverva v1.97:
Which has an extra extensions in the Rom image:

Q-emulator for Windows 3.1.3
QDOS 1.97

This not in Minerva v1.98:
The file size of Minerva v1.98 is 48.8K, whereas Minerva v1.97 is 49.2K, there must be an extra addition to the QL Rom image. Maybe adding the Rom Image by Floppy disk would solve this.

I will try this on a Windows PC with floppy disk drive.

I have added Toolkit II as a back rom.


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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by dilwyn »

tofro wrote:Dilwyn,
doesn't work here as well with 1.98.
I get it to run until the start windows show up, but it never displays a cursor (It does look slower than JS, though, and you dont get QEmu to skip the RAM test with that ROM)

The very same ROM works fine on uqlx, though, and it's the version from your website. A freshly downloaded ROM image from Lau's place at https://94afed43f06da8b9c870c15d96cf7e0 ... 198bin.zip looks and behaves the same. I would thus guess the image is OK, but QEmu doesn't like it for some reason ;)

Thanks Tobias. Exactly the same result as I get here.
Need to test why Q-Bar doesn't work on Minerva 1.98 with ptr_gen 2.03/wman 2.05/hot_rext 2.31 for someone. Seems to work fine with Min 1.97 with that PE on QemuLator at least.

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by tofro »

Give uqlx a chance, Dilwyn! ;)

That's the big opportunity to move over to the bright side!

(just kidding)

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by pjw »

Minerva 1.98 works perfectly with QemuLator! The matter has been dealt with before. See my posts under the topic Software & Programming/Minerva Assembly (or http://www.theqlforum.com/viewtopic.php? ... 234#p10194) I dont know if a ready assembled ROM image, suitably prepared for QemuLator, is available anywhere to download, but sources and a HowTo to prepare your own can be had from Dilwyn's site at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk, under downloads/Ql ROM Images. If you have the programs required to assemble and link it all, the process is a doddle.

(No kidding ;)

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Per,

I have a look at the link to your message:

http://www.theqlforum.com/viewtopic.php? ... 234#p10194

I just ran the programme you wrote in the message:

Code: Select all

adr = ALCHP(48 * 1024)
LBYTES 'win1_M_MINERVA198_ROM', adr
SBYTES 'dos3_Minerva198.rom', adr, 48 * 1024
The resultant new Minerva v.198 rom image now shows:

Q-emulator for Windows 3.1.3
QDOS 1.98
and the see the result, Q-emulator now runs Minerva v1.98 and loading in the latest Extended Environment 2 from Dilwyn's web site, QBAR also works in Q-emulator with Minerva v1.98, with 1920K ram, at full speed.

See pic. below:
I have attached the Minerva198 rom image as well.
Q-Emulator Patched Minerva v1.98 Rom Image
(38.49 KiB) Downloaded 192 times


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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by dilwyn »

Thank you everyone, I'll make the amended ROM image available on my website for QemuLator users.

Q-Bar does indeed now work on this combination of Minerva 1.98 and ptr_gen 2.03 (etc), which surprisingly gives me a bit of a headache headache as it doesn't work on a QL with Minerva 1.98+PTR_GEN 2.03 etc.

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by pjw »


The moment I had posted my reply, it occurred to me that it might be sufficient to merely pad the existing ROM to 48k, rather than Make it from source, but it was 3.30 in the morning, so I thought What the hell, itll be a fun experience for people to assemble their own version! - And then you went and spoiled it ;)

At least I had the satisfaction of assembling v1.98 from scratch from within QPC2, using the tools that come with the SMSQ/E sources, and then, for the hell of it, doing the same again using QemuLator, running the resulting Minerva 1.98 ROM image, to build itself! So strangely gratifying it must be a sin!

(Just kidding this time)

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by pjw »

surprisingly gives me a bit of a headache headache as it doesn't work on a QL with Minerva
Sorry for your double headache. I hope you quickly manage to resolve them!


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