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uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:07 pm
I just tried uQLx for ARM ( in the Raspberry Pi on Raspbian, but the only effect is the error above, no matter the command (qm, qjs...). The same happened in the Raspberry Pi 1 some months ago.

Any clue?

Code: Select all

*** QL Emulator v0.00 ***
release 10/22/02  16:10:00

Terminate on signal 11
This may be due to an internal error, gcc-2.96 bug,
a feature not emulated or an 68000 exception
that typically occurs only when QDOS is unrecoverably
out of control
FATAL error, PC may not be displayed correctly
DebugInfo: PC=41e, code=ffffbbf8, SupervisorMode: yes USP=0 SSp=4c024c02 A7=4c024c02
Register Dump:   Dn             An
0                      0        4c024c02
1                 3e0017             41c
2                      0               0
3                      0               0
4                      0               0
5                      0           54e73
6                      0               0
7                      0        4c024c02

Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:16 pm
by QLvsJAGUAR wrote:Any clue?
No. Does it work now? Did someone help you?

Recently I fired up uQLx on my Raspi (Original Model B) several times. It works fine with the known restrictions. But now I discovered a problem. The web browser Lynx which works fine under QPC2 and Q-emuLator does not load web pages. I use exactly the same QXL.WIN file with exact the same condiguration. The web browser on the Raspian side loads web pages, ergo the internet connection is ok. Is there something specific needed which one should take aware of? Anyone?

Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:50 pm
by tofro

I must admit that the TCP/IP emulation in uqlx/ARM is completely untested.


Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:26 pm
Is there a way/a command to start uQLx with 1024x768 resolution? qxxx gives 800x600 (only).

Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:57 pm
by tofro
QLvsJAGUAR wrote:Is there a way/a command to start uQLx with 1024x768 resolution? qxxx gives 800x600 (only).
Yep. You can change the ${HOME}/.uqlxrc file. That holds the resolutions for the qx[x] commands.
qxxx's screen size would be controlled by the "SIZE_3" configuration parameter. You can apparently go ashigh as 4096x4096....

You might also want to adjust your RPI's native resolution to a similar value to get the QL screen to really "fill your display". Small QL windows on a large HDMI display look a bit ridiculous....
A tutorial on how to do that can be found here


Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:46 am
tofro wrote:
QLvsJAGUAR wrote:Is there a way/a command to start uQLx with 1024x768 resolution? qxxx gives 800x600 (only).
Yep. You can change the ${HOME}/.uqlxrc file. That holds the resolutions for the qx[x] commands.
qxxx's screen size would be controlled by the "SIZE_3" configuration parameter. You can apparently go ashigh as 4096x4096....
Thanks for the information Tobias.

With this QL/E now works nicely in its favourised screen resolution.

In addition I did give the QL some fair amount of memory (8MB).

Changes done in .uqlxrc using leafpad (TextEditor):
RAMTOP = 8192
SIZE_3 = 1024x768

Would be nice to see TCP/IP running in uQLx-ARM and to have a new "DOUBLE-SIZE" feature (4-for-1 pixel) similar than in SMSQmulator.

QL forever!

Re: uQLx for ARM error

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:06 pm
by XorA
Would be nice to see TCP/IP running in uQLx-ARM and to have a new "DOUBLE-SIZE" feature (4-for-1 pixel) similar than in SMSQmulator.
I did impliment that, wonder if I still have the patch around.