A reminder for the QUANTA magazine, the following deadlines are for this years (2015) submissions of articles, letters, programs, algorithms, comments, advertising, small ads and Questions to the Helpline etc.
5th February for the FEB/MAR issue
5th April for the APR/MAY issue
5th June for the JUN/JUL issue
5th August for the AUG/SEP issue
5th October for the OCT/NOV issue
5th December for the DEC/JAN issue
Please state in any correspondence if the item is time related, the editor will try and identify this if it is obvious anyway, but just in case.
Please also note that QUANTA committee members (including myself) do not all access the forum or do not rely on the forum for QUANTA matters, it has in place contact methods for all forms of communication on the QUANTA website and that this should be used.
The location for all contacts you can find here
The editors decision on most magazine things is normally final but he can be flexible