Banner Information

A collection of QL services and websites.
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Commissario Pebbli
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Banner Information

Post by vanpeebles »

At the moment the QL Forum is supporting two QL projects via our main logo banner, they are:

QLis30 -

A 30th anniversary workshop which will be held in Edinburgh on the 11th October 2014

and the release of some 30th anniversary celebration QL game box sets by RWAP Software, details here: ... L/Software

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Commissario Pebbli
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Location: North East UK

Re: Banner Information

Post by vanpeebles »

The Games Box Set Vol 6 has been released and is available via RWAP Software, over at Sellmyretro: ... es-6-16121

This is one of several Sinclair QL Box-Sets released during 2014-16, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Sinclair QL Home Computer.

This is the Sinclair QL Games Box-Set 6.

The box contains a printed manual, quick reference cards, plus a 3.5" (DSDD) disk containing the following Sinclair QL Games:

Droidzone is an arcade game with the simple premise of staying alive aginst the onslaught of hordes of droid space ships. Your ship spins around the screen in an octagonal figure, allowing you to fight 72 different formations of aliens.

Grey Wolf is a classic implementation of a submarine simulation, where you command a German u-boat during World War II and need to attack Allied ships in the North Atlantic. In the heat of the battle, it is all too easy to forget one of the necessary procedures and sinking yourself!

QL Meteor Storm is another classic arcade game - based on Asteroids, where you have to fly your ship through an asteroid field, blasting asteroids out of the way.

Othello is a 3D version of the classic board game Othello (or Reversi) where you need to outsmart your opponent by capturing its pieces between two of your tiles. It is supplied in both English and French language versions.

QLACMAN is a fast game inspired by the ever popular Pacman arcade game. Travel through the maze, clearing all of the pellets which are littered throughout, whilst dodging four ghosts intent on scaring you to death.

Squadrons is a tactical game where you are the Group Commander, in charge of the defence of the British southern counties during World War II. Scramble squadrons and attack the incoming enemy bombers before they can destroy your airfields and cities. ... es-6-16121

The Adventure Box Set 3 is now also available: ... es-3-17353


Dennis the Dwarf at the Funfear written by Mert (Martin Hopkins) and published by RWAP Adventures in 2016

QL Epic Adventure written by Andy Pritchard and published by RWAP Adventures

Quest for the Dragon Sword written by Ian Foot, Malcolm Johnson and Ian Ward and published by Byteback

Spy - A QL Adventure written by Andy Pritchard and Rich Mellor (graphics by P Scott) and published by RWAP Adventures (brand new 2016 Adventure)

NOTE: 256K RAM is required as a minimum.
