Q68 New users and general usage thread

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Peter »

schombi wrote:I would guess that a good amount of the new Q68 users has only basic QDOS knowledge (that includes me) and therefore they struggle a bit with the complexity of this superb machine.
It is not the machine which makes it complex for classic QL users, but the SDHC card contents. As I wrote in the German forum, it makes sense to only put SMSQ/E and an empty QLWA.WIN filesystem on the card to start like a bare QL. This is how I intended things to work in the first place. I was always sceptical about pushing multiple containers and partitions on one card too much. Also about the many configurations SMSQ/E requires for that. The default card corresponds to a very complex harddisk setup, while the Q68 can also be as simple as two huge microdrives or floppies!

Personally, I would have supplied the Q68 with a minimal system on SDHC card and offer the complex stuff as download for advanced users, not vice versa. On the other hand, there may be users for which the complex setup is just right. Derek spent a lot of work, and I don't want to put it down in any way.
schombi wrote:A simply how-to in the manual, explaning the steps on how to create a new SD card with content would be a great help.
The User's Manual covers most of that, on page page 9 of the current revision. It is really short, why not read it?

But it came to my mind that new users may not know how to create an empty QLWA.WIN container. How do we best solve that? If I remember correctly, Wolfgang has added provisions to create these on the Q68 itself, in the latest version of SMSQ/E. But as a new card is formatted on a PC anyway, it may be simpler to offer some empty QLWA.WIN files in a few sizes for download.

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Peter »

From where do "typical" classic QL users want to move files to Q68? Internet? Floppy? Qubide formatted Compact Flash? QL-SD?
Last edited by Peter on Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by vanpeebles »

Yes I was wondering how to create an empty container. Can you do that from the command line? Or you do have to copy across a preexisting file? :)

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Peter »

I always just copied pre-existing files, but if I remember correctly, the very latest SMSQ/E version can do it directly on the Q68 itself. To be honest, I didn't even find the time to try this new feature myself.

On one hand, it is just a case of RTFM. On the other hand, especially the SMSQ/E manual is quite comprehensive. For classic QL users, the learning curve for a multi-container, multi-partition harddisk-style setup may be more steep than the SMSQ/E maintainer or experienced SMSQ/E users like Derek expected.

The Q68 can be a simple machine, just like two floppies. But people don't experience this from the original card, so they may find helpful:
- Ordering option of a second, simple SDHC card with just SMSQ/E and empty filesystem
- Simplistic step-by-step instruction how to make such a card
Last edited by Peter on Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I am sorry for confusing the issue. I just tried to show examples of free software on the Q68.

I wish had never bothered with the software configuration.

If I had given a empty system with just the MODE 4 windows, I would be highly criticised like in the Q60 production, but on saying that, I do not have the QL Press against me.

For specific Q68 information read:

Q68 Hardware manual


Q68 SMSQ/E manual. Download able at:


For As for the usage of SMSQ/E, Dilwyn Jones has written a Guide to SMSQ/E downloadable at:


More SMSQ/E information located at:


If you need more detailed working of SMSQ/E is available in the SMSQ/E Reference Manual available at:


A details online reference to SBASIC / Superbasic at:


QPTR Toolkit Manual at:



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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Peter »

Derek_Stewart wrote: <MOAN_ON>
If I had given a empty system with just the MODE 4 windows, I would be highly criticised like in the Q60 production, but on saying that, I do not have the QL Press against me.
I understand your moan after so much work. Your work is not in vain, but the option of a simple system might help!

We need both!

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Pr0f »

An awful lot of work from both Peter and Derek.

Just one suggestion - is it possible to perhaps get a 'sticky' page or section for all the useful links in the various threads such as this one? It's just to save scrolling and searching - something like an Q68 FAQ's - that people can't post into ?

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Peter,

The option of a simple system is there.

Press CTL-SPACE to stop the BOOT programme, you are in DISP_MODE 1 (512x256 4 Colour Mode)



Restart the Q68, you are in a simple QL Mode 4 system.

Read the manual and configure it how you like.


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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by pjw »

Derek_Stewart wrote:Hi Dave,

I also assumed that everyone can write boot files and read manuals...

I know this is stretching my expectations. But do you think I wrong in these assumptions.
There's no shortage of excellent tips on how to write good boot programs! A quick gander through the QL Today index (Ah, this takes me back :D :

V01, I07, P07, "My BOOT", by Jochen Merz (Voted most popular article in QLT!)
V04, I02, P16, "MyBOOT and Qascade", by David Denham
V10, I04, P10, "The BOOT is on the other Disk", by Roy Wood

And many others. Great bedtime reading!

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Re: Q68 New users and general usage thread

Post by vanpeebles »

No need for the moan Derek. I quite like having it boot with the fancy set up, as it shows what cthe system can do! It's just that it is a ton of really fancy looking stuff, I've not used before :lol:

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