MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

Good afternoon all!
:) the bug is located.
Mainly it happens when the autoload is settled in the CONFIG.CFG file.
Particularly the line

Or any other file image.
The autoload makes the internal pointer to the filesystem to mismatch later when trying to save changes and load them again, due to divergences between the pointer and the route of the file.
Will be fixed ASAP I get the time to set again the developing toolchain.
So the next RC12 will not have this problem.

to solve it:
  • just don't use CONFIG.CFG file (delete it) or
  • Comment the mentioned line with:
  • #FILE=ABACUS.MDV (or whatever you have chosen) or
  • Downgrade to the original firmware or
  • Let it empty as FILE=
Of course, people who doesn't use this feature wouldn't experience this annoying bug.
Thank you and my apologizes for this mistake :)

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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

Hi all!
The firmware RC12 for MDPs is ready and passed my tests fixing the autoload bug and also some little bug printing extra chars in the screen under few circumstances.
But I would like to make some final tests with users that could try it out.
Could advanced users to test it on their systems?
The script to check if the bug is fixed and the firmware are attached here: Outdated https://we.tl/t-NBryBuKTyV
Remember (when possible) to test it with and without the config file
Thank you a lot:
Note: any suggestion about improvements in the browsing experience is welcome 🙂

Note2: After some days working around with the RC12, I didn't notice any bug or error. So RC12 will be published also in my Github next week if nobody report any bug.

Here is the RC12 in local to download.

Edit: last bug was detected some hours ago. Not critical but annoying. In the next hours RC13 will be released.

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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

Bug fixed in RC13.

Also changing behavior when default file is or is not present.
  • Present => just load it and show it
  • Not present config or not defined file in config=> No messages
  • Present config but name of the default image is wrong => Err message.
Other logical code mistakes (return values from some functions).
Reduced number of messages => shorter loading and less extra information (reserved for debugging purpose).
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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

RC13 is not free from bugs.
But works better than R12 solving some big bugs.

If you experience annoying behaviors please to downgrade to the original firmware that I have post in the main message of this thread (inside the ZIP file).
And please to report it here in order to help to find it out and fix it.

Strange behaviour:
  • under non concrete circumstances it doesn't delete files.
  • it gives some loading errors sometimes. Nothing important cause after repeating the command it works, but annoying.
I guess some part is due to the fact the RPI is attending the commands from the QL while another process was working on. So the unit is busy.
Same than with real MDVs that could get a read command and then get another read command without finished the first. it is just an assumption but seems like that.
With a tape (microdrive) it is obvious because the speed is very low, but with microdrivepico it loads "instantly" for the QL and perhaps it is releasing the bus too soon.

Or perharps something more easy than that. Working in progress :)

Thank you all :)

Edit: first warning was a false one. It was my mistake using Minerva, I didn't define the unit where the file was stored: delete mdv1_deleteme_bas]

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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Jbizzel »

Hi guys, I have this drive which arrived in the post today.

I have a problem as it does not display files on the drive. I can only see folders.

The SD card is fat 32 formatted with SD formatter on windows 10.

I added example files from the git. But all I see is the system volume folder. I can create folder on the SD card and see them on the Pico. But I can detect any files.

Has anyone had a similar issue please?


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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

Jbizzel wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:02 pm Hi guys, I have this drive which arrived in the post today.

I have a problem as it does not display files on the drive. I can only see folders.

The SD card is fat 32 formatted with SD formatter on windows 10.

I added example files from the git. But all I see is the system volume folder. I can create folder on the SD card and see them on the Pico. But I can detect any files.

Has anyone had a similar issue please?
Hi Jbizzel,
how weird problem. I do not suffer it.
Very strange. You should see the MDVs images and also dirs. No more unless you use the original firmware from Dr. Gusman that shows everything.
Please, could you tell me more details?
The RC version you are using.
Size of the microSD and class.
Where do you save the mdv images into the microSD.


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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Jbizzel »

Hello I solved this issue. I was using a bad set of MDv carts. I found some better files and they work great.

I installed the first firmware which did show everything.

My only problem now is I can't get the format option to work. But I'll put the later firmware back in place and see if that helps.


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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Popopo »

Jbizzel wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:50 pm Hello I solved this issue. I was using a bad set of MDv carts. I found some better files and they work great.

I installed the first firmware which did show everything.

My only problem now is I can't get the format option to work. But I'll put the later firmware back in place and see if that helps.
I am happy to know it is solved :)
Last firmware has a bug but you won't notice it unless some circumstances occurs.
Use original or last RC, what give you more comfort.

Format option to work?
What do you mean?

You can format a MDV image and use it like a blank one (for example).
In my github you can download and use one MDV named Empty. which is a blank and format one.

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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Jbizzel »

When I do "format mdv1_" I've been getting either

Bad or changed medium


Format failed

Sometimes after that message the write light on the card stays on forever and I have to remove the power from the QL to get things working again.

I but firmware 13 on last night but I haven't tested with it yet. Job for today.


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Re: MicroPicoDrive Popopo's version

Post by Jbizzel »

Just to add this this, r13 won't format either.

I have a blank MDv cart.
I saved some basic program there, and it works as expected.

So I can write fine to the drive.

But format fails.

Although, is it really an issue? When will I ever need to do it!

Last issue:

When cycling through the menu with R13 you get and annoying message when you get to the end of the folder contents. I think this is a known issue. So I think I will go back to v1 firmware.

Can you flash the firmware with the Pico attached to the QL please?

Wonderful hardware!


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