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Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:49 am
by Jornaclaude
Dave wrote: There aren't currently any new QL-SD for sale, but there will be in a few weeks. The QL-SD 2 is prototyping now...
I found one for sale on SellMyRetro, but I think I'll not buy it, for the following reasons:
1) It is too expensive (75.00 euros)
2) It is compatible only with SD in HC form
3) I will not increase the memory available on the QL
The Tetroid remains the best, but I think that for economic reasons I will fall back on the Qubide.
So I ask you if you have any other advice on QubIDE.
Thank you


Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:39 pm
by Dave
Only that QubIDE uses media that end of lifed 15+ years ago, and QL-SD uses a media that will be in stores for at least the next 15.

Don’t worry, a cheaper QL-SD system is just weeks away.

Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:26 pm
by Jornaclaude
Dave wrote:Only that QubIDE uses media that end of lifed 15+ years ago
Dear Dave, why you say this?
If I'm not wrong, the QubIDE allows you to connect an HD IDE, there are still new ssd hd ide in production, and using an ide2CF adapter or a SD2IDE one, I can connect a CF/SD like an HD.
Am I saying something wrong?

Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:49 pm
by Dave
Those flash modules are a very fringe product. They're mostly made with b-grade flash, which supports fewer write cycles, does no wear leveling, and is just filling a small niche for now. They work ok, but we are talking about a 35 year old computer and we are looking at very long term usage into the future too.

Also, I have a dual SD card coming out in a few weeks, if all goes well. :P

I also have a new IDE card, so I can get you coming or going ;)

Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:19 pm
by Artificer
Hi Jornaclaude,

You are correct that IDE CF card adapters can connect to QUBide and take the place of an IDE hard disk. See blog post about Aurora rebuild with replacing old hard disk with CF card. I am awaiting delivery of an IDE to SD card adapter which if it works well might replace the hard disk on my Q60.

See post ... r-and.html

Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:37 pm
by Dave
Two hints in one photo ;)
IMG_1891.jpg (49.32 KiB) Viewed 6073 times

Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:34 pm
by georgeo
Jornaclaude wrote:Hello,
I've a question for georgeo...
Looking at the screen you've posted, I see you have a very good resolution on your UMC TV.
Did you see the full characters on the side of the screen, like on a monitor?
Is it about the quality of the cable or have you made adjustments to the TV?
I made my own SCART cable (following fruitcake info) and I also have a good signal but I cannot see the left characters when I choose monitor output.
Are you able to give a look to your cable connections?
Thank you

Sorry for the slow response. As others guessed, I select TV mode. In monitor mode, I lose the first couple of columns. I've not tried hard to fix it, though don't think I can persuade the UMC monitor to rescale the monitor input correctly.


Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:01 am
by Peter
Artificer wrote:I am awaiting delivery of an IDE to SD card adapter which if it works well might replace the hard disk on my Q60.
With an IDE-SD adaptor you are likely to have luck, although only as "master" usually.

I can not recommend IDE-CF adaptors for the Q60, they may appear to work under SMSQ/E at first, but behave strangely under Linux. And even under SMSQ/E, long term testing was not encouraging.


Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 5:52 pm
by Artificer
Hi Peter,

I agree that IDE CF adapters don't always work on the Q60 but I have been using an old CF adapter on the Q60 for some time without issue. However I do not use Linux on the Q60 as the RPi I find is a better hobby linux system with lots of support. After trying a few I have found a new CF card adapter that works fine with the Q60 see ... stems.html

You are correct about the SD card adapters, which seem to require to be not only the master device but also the sole device on the IDE controller, fine if you only want one device. But looking at other retro computer forums there seems to be a two chip 40 pin IDE adapter that is better, it is difficult to source as suppliers often substitute the common single chip version that allows only one device on the IDE channel.


Re: Naive question about SCART connection on TV

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:07 pm
by Peter
The IDE-CF adaptor on your webpage looks just like the one that I used on my Q60, where I had problems. Maybe it was the card, not the adaptor. Mine was 8 GB.