Hi Peter,
One of the things to check might be to try out earlier versions of SMSQ/E
to see whether copyback cache stopped working properly with Qliberated
programs at some point. The file dev8_smsq_smsq_version_asm shows that
alterations were made to copyback code at various times. There is also a
note about MMU and Qlib. I dont know whether that could have any bearing..
No special "packer" other than a zip file or a WIN container are necessary!
Simply unzip or copy the archive into a folder. Under SMSQ/E SBASIC files
can be dispatched in the same way as executables. A simple
Code: Select all
IF PEEK$(\\ -4, 4) = 'SBAS' THEN
LRESPR any toolkits required
within the SBASIC program takes care of any ad hoc toolkits required.
If anyone feels a need to obfuscate their code (for shame or to protect IP)
then Im sure there are plenty here whod love the challenge of writing a
code obfuscator!