+1.I merely wanted to demonstrate that, not to make fun of other languages, or of any person for not speaking English!
One thing I learned from having an Italian stepfather, "foreigners" usually speak better English than I do. I never criticise anyone's English, no matter how bad, unless asked. My Italian is merda! I can get coffee or ice cream pretty well, or a couple of bicchieri di vino bianco per favore, and food, so I'm good!

As we occasionally say in the UK:
Q. What do you call someone who speaks three languages?
A. Trilingual.
Q. What do you call someone who speaks two languages?
A. Bilingual.
Q. What do you call someone who speaks one languages?
A. British!
And that, sadly, sums up us Brits. In the main, we are lazy, and expect everyone else to speak our language and make little or no effort to learn that of others.

Good luck with the treasure trove - I'm certainly enjoying reading about it.