The 4Gb SDHC cards are actually more than you can buy 16's for when I looked on Amazon / ebay - for known good brands. My guess is these are driven by the portable device market and cameras, so higher storage capacity cards are in greater demand and consequently a better seller for the makers.
As you say you can probably get most of the availabel QL software on a 2G card
I actually tend to buy a bulk of like 10 16GB (µ)SDHC cards once a year. Don't see the point of selecting those things by target device. I have so many devices that use these cards that I decided on 16Gig minimum capacity. Also, there isn't really much money to be saved on smaller cards (sometimes they're even more expensive than the larger ones).
Yeah, I ended up buying an 8GB Transcend Type 10 one. Cheaper than a 4GB Type 4, so no contest really. And it was eligible for Prime, so I get it tomorrow.
Pr0f wrote:I did a search, but seemed to come up short on this query.
With regard to the Q68 and creating QLWA file system containers - how do I do this in a 64 bit Windows environment? I don't mind dropping to the command line to run something.
I looked at the tools for QL-SD, and tools for creating virtual hard disk for qxl, but can't see anything that appears relevant. The manual for the Q68 says I must create the files on the SD card straight after formatting, so that they will be contiguous sectors. I will have to create the file with the correct number of bytes, but I presume there is some sort of header that must be created in the file to make it work with the Q68.
Any pointers greatly received...
If you want to create a QWA file on Windows, you could download QPC2 and create the WIN file with QPC2 and copy the new QWA WIN file to the the SD Card. Use the WIN_DRIVE command to mount the WIN file.
To create the QWA file with the Q68, read page 20 of Q68 SMSQ/E manual, which describes the file creation on the Q68.
qxltools doesn't seem to work on my system - These tools used to work in the XP / 2000, but don't seem to like Windows 7 or above. Perhaps it's time to run a virtual box and a legacy windows platform just to be able to use some of these.
Pr0f wrote:qxltools doesn't seem to work on my system - These tools used to work in the XP / 2000, but don't seem to like Windows 7 or above. Perhaps it's time to run a virtual box and a legacy windows platform just to be able to use some of these.
It works on Windows 7, just open commandline as administrator. Maybe set compatibility mode, but I didn't need that.
I just noticed that the max. size for creating a new image seems 16 MB.
Why not just save yourself the pain and get QPC2 or SMSQmulator? Both free and both will do the job you require. Faffing around with qxltools and other palaeo-tools in the light of these better alternatives is pure masochism.
IMHO, as usual.
I love long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
- Fred Allen