I agree, Richard.
The cosmetic changes take a little getting used to - the rounded corners to everything - looks a little odd at the bottom left of QPC2 when its windows fill its screen area, you lose a pixel or two of the bottom left of the lower window to the 'curve' if it's right at the bottom. Can work around that by using a theme which doesn't have rounded corners to some extent (they are hard to find and usually involve some 3rd party software), although those themes generally don't look as good. Amazingly, Win11 doesn't let you turn off rounded corners without using a 3rd party 'patcher', probably a bit risky. And it is sometimes annoying when you take screen shots.

- Rounded QPC2 corner
The different spacings of text in File Explorer for example (meaning fewer items are listed in a window unless you switch to Compact View).
And yes, the constant updating - it keeps slowing to a crawl to tell you an update is about to happen! But it's nice and stable apart from the fact that sometimes it switches on, it detects all three monitors, other times I just get two. Yet to figure out why. Even "Detect Other Display" sometimes doesn't find it, I have to restart Windows then to get the third monitor back.
And the reduced context (right click) menus were annoying until I found out how to restore them.
At least the update to Win11 was 'free' for me once I got the PC into a state where it would upgrade. Saved it from enforced retirement this year, so was worth doing since it's a pretty decent PC - will be a shame when so many PCs are scrapped this year.
Very importantly, the QL emulators I've used so far all seem to work on Win11.