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Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:26 pm
by Nasta
NormanDunbar wrote:Slightly OT:
ruptor wrote:Not sure who has been banned or why.
Only 3 people have been banned. The most recent, on the weekend that Sir Clive passed away, was the user formerly known as "Brane_2" who was a bit of a hardware type. Apparently his hardware skills were/are lacking. (Not my observation, I'm definitely not hardware!). Given this is a hardware thread, this Zero_lag person
could be him.
I know 'Brane_2' personally and he certainly is not lacking in hardware skills. Maybe in personal skills, plus having a rather in your face sense of humour, by some people's standards.
Both him and myself have done a mod of a hall keyboard for use on a QL a good 30 years ago, it was not such high quality, being an eastern clone of a terminal keyboard, but had the same Hall switches. For him this sort of thing is a 'with left hand behind back' sort of project.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:57 am
by Ruptor
vanpeebles wrote:Zer0_lag BOT Post via the discord, hopefully it helps!

Thanks to Zer0_lag it gave me renewed impetus to continue the Hall effect keyboard since it doesn't need extra circuitry as well as the fact I forgot how expensive one off PCBs were like £120 for one and £150 for ten.

I finished the metal work hacking as in the picture that was ten times more difficult at mum's flat, where I am her carer 24/7, using a junior hacksaw, a pair of pliers, a hammer & a drill bit in a chuck but no drill.

Today I have the easier task of cutting the ends off the PCB to fit between the metal end plates that are the flanges of the old mounting method. I bent the flanges down to form a nice pair of legs to keep the PCB off the deck and so I could bolt the five blues keys on the end as the QL function key. Worked out nice so far but a lot of wiring to come.

Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:39 pm
by Derek_Stewart
I did something like this over 20 years ago, housing QL in a Memptech MTX 512 Case and I rewired the Memotech keyboard with plastic coated wire wrap wires to suit the QL. Cutting the Memotech keyboard circuit tracks where required.
The QL matrix layout was taken the QL Service Manual and comparison to a QL Keyboard membrane.
There was no problem with Key De-bounce, but I used a Hermes instead of the 8049. Only the QL key oard connectors were used, with thin circuit board strios to insert into the QL connectors.
Not sure what this Hall Effect has to do with it...
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:41 pm
by Ruptor
Derek_Stewart wrote:The QL matrix layout was taken the QL Service Manual and comparison to a QL Keyboard membrane.
Not sure what you mean but the matrix I was given or took from a manual didn't match my membrane so I just copied my membrane because that was working. Having created a PCB layout as on the previous post I am using it to show me the 9 & 11 way connections by switching one layer on at a time as in the pictures. The hall effect switches have no contacts so never get tarnished or wear out. It seems from what No_lag said they do have an input & output as well as 5V so I have to get them round the right way.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 9:09 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Sorry for the confusion, I mean to say that if the keyboard is rewired as shown in the QL Membrane, the keyboard should work.
I see about the Hall Effect Switches, I wonder why companiex like Cherry do not use them.
Sounds too complicated to wire up a 5v supply to the kreyboard circuit.
But I would interested in your solution.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:25 am
by Ruptor
Derek_Stewart wrote:Sorry for the confusion, I mean to say that if the keyboard is rewired as shown in the QL Membrane, the keyboard should work.
Yes I figured the membrane worked in my QL so copying it has to work.
Derek_Stewart wrote:I see about the Hall Effect Switches, I wonder why companiex like Cherry do not use them.
Perhaps they are very expensive and they don't want things to last forever.

Mine have the hall effect device on a ceramic substrate and there is a coil inside with a sliding plate that comes down and blocks the field from the coil or enhances it not sure but it has a lot of bits so probably would cost a fiver each.

Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:44 am
by NormanDunbar
Hi Nasta,
Nasta wrote:I know 'Brane_2' personally and he certainly is not lacking in hardware skills.
As Imentioned, that wasn't my observation, I'm not hadware knowlegable to comment.
He wasn't banned for his humour or personal skills either, and it wasn't me who banned him.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:54 am
by Ruptor
NormanDunbar wrote:comment.
Why is the forum doing double posts from you and Nasta? I sent a pm to Rob that I get SQL errors with lost server etc after I post but I don't think he read it yet. See pic.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:58 am
by Derek_Stewart
NormanDunbar wrote:Hi Nasta,
Nasta wrote:I know 'Brane_2' personally and he certainly is not lacking in hardware skills.
As Imentioned, that wasn't my observation, I'm not hadware knowlegable to comment.
He wasn't banned for his humour or personal skills either, and it wasn't me who banned him.
Is it possible to re-instate him, as I do not like to see people being banned for a singular view.
Re: Keyboard from where
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:25 am
by Ruptor
Derek_Stewart wrote:Is it possible to re-instate him, as I do not like to see people being banned for a singular view.
If he was the one slagging off the dead Sinclair on a pro Sinclair forum it does question his logic and where his brain was at.