Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by Tinyfpga »

The file I mentioned in my last post does not appear where I expected it, The file is too big!

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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by NormanDunbar »

Tinyfpga wrote:It has sometimes taken me a week to work out why my use of a BASIC keyword does not
Have you seen ?


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Norm,

I will buy your book on Monday(payday)...

I do not have an Arduino, which is the best?

With regards to the Q68 and Arduino, there no USB port on the Q68.

Can the Arduino be programmed by the serial port connection?

I think a similar Arduino style interface could be made, with the same functionality as the UNO via the I2C bus on the Q68. This just an idea at present.

Also an IDE or SBASIC commands to connect to the Q68 bus.


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by NormanDunbar »

Hi Derek,

the Arduino Uno is the current "standard" model. It can be programmed over USB using the bootloader, or via the In Circuit System Programmer device (ICSP) like a USBtiny. Unfortunately, they need USB.

You can also use another Arduino as a prgorammer (ICSP) but again, needs a USB connection.

I think there are WIFI "shields" that allow programming over WiFi but I have no experience of those, nor of Ethernet shields that use your network connection.

I believe ypu use Linux Mint? That's what I use too and the Arduino IDE works perfectly, if you have USB on your Mint computer of course.

And thanks for buying the book. I hope you enjoy it.


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by Tinyfpga »

In reference to NormanDunbar's link to an on-line SuperBasic manual

Thank you for providing the link. I find reading manuals on-screen difficult so I prefer document based manuals. The on-line manual your link refers to, seems to be the same as a pdf manual I found titled :- SuperBasic Reference Manual, Release 4.0.1 by Rich Mellor. Is This correct?

In looking for an Arduino to buy I found a veritable cornocopia of Arduinos, Arduino kits and things one can connect to them. I have ordered a kit from Wish consisting of a Mega 2560 and a set of 179 components for £28. I am not sure I will find the spare time to actually do anything useful with this kit.

Thank you for giving me permission to publish your book on assembler. If I succeed I will post a link to it.

One last attempt to upload M.Lenerz's PDF articles on QPTR as follows:-
(4.48 MiB) Downloaded 269 times

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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by NormanDunbar »

Try this for the PDF version: https://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.i ... atest/pdf/ or the ePub: https://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.i ... test/epub/

4.0.1 appears to be the latest.


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by ajb »

I've only ever done one Arduino project in the past, but uncountable Microchip PIC ones (all in assembler). I seem to remember the Windows IDE at the time (AVR Studio I think) insisted on installing Microsoft Visual Express - which is virtually impossible to get rid of when you're done with it. I hadn't noticed at the time that Arduino IDE was available as I'd have preferred a Linux solution.

What's your take on the IDEs now that Microchip has bought Atmel? Will things like Arduino IDE (or eclipse/netbeans/etc alternatives)
continue to provide comprehensive/effective support or should everyone start using MPLAB X now (which I use for PICs), and does your book cover that?


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by NormanDunbar »

Morning Ajb.

The current Arduino IDE is Java based. Plans are afoot from V2.x to convert to using the Arduino-CLI (See chapter 6!) which is GO based, as the new way. The CLI makes it easier to use make etc tobuild sketches.

I'm using PlatformIO and VSCodium these days for my AVR stuff. I don't use Eclipse as it is too big and slow on my laptop, MPLAB X I tried, and hated. The book covers PlatformIO command line, in VSCode/VSCodium, in use with Code::Blocks, QTCreator etc, but not MPLAB X.

AVR Studio is based on Visual Studio which is why it is Windows only. And difficult to remove!

Since Microchip took over Atmel, I've noticed more errors in the data sheets!


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by ajb »

Thanks for the info. Dosh sent.


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Re: Norm's New Book - 55% Off!

Post by NormanDunbar »

Thanks. Enjoy.


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