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Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:05 pm
by Pr0f
badaman wrote:
NormanDunbar wrote:Other countries can manage, why the hell can't the British STFU and listen to advice?
Well, since you've come up with the topic, I find it a bit irresponsible that the UK is not taking action, nor is France doing it. Leaving the population at the expense of possible immunization is going to be definitive for many people, at least 3% of the population. It must be remembered that large capitals such as London or Paris and others are visited by many people from a wide variety of countries.

I'm talking about the isolation measures, of course, not the attitude of people.

Probably not so many now - we won't be getting any yanks in, and most of Europe has sensibly shut up shop, so any flights in and out are from the far east, at least until the air lines go bust.

I think the measured approach being taken was actually quite sensible, it's nigh on impossible to get full containment on something like this as people will and do slip under the radar - the one thing this virus seems good at doing is spreading - it's able to last longer on surfaces outside the body, so it could be a day or even two later that you pick up something left by your infectee - how do you put a lid on that.

If you have to tell people to wash their hands, society has already gone to hell in a handbag - this is all just common sense - but as discussed earlier - that is no longer so common and that film idiocracy is coming to be in my own lifetime - dismayed...

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:34 pm
by dilwyn
Pr0f wrote:If you have to tell people to wash their hands, society has already gone to hell in a handbag - this is all just common sense - but as discussed earlier - that is no longer so common and that film idiocracy is coming to be in my own lifetime - dismayed...
I do see parallels between what is happening and the over-the-top and selfish way people think and react in disaster films - I like the term "idiocracy"!

I think the advice to wash hands is not so much aimed at just telling people to wash hands ("teaching to suck eggs"), but ironically it seems the most effective and easy barrier (along with standing 2metres away from the next person) to spreading in this particular instance. It may help reduce transmission a bit, I suppose.

The UK approach does seem different to that of other countries and will no doubt go in their direction eventually. I think here it's more aimed at accepting it'll happen and pushing the peaks to the time which suits the overburdened under-resourced UK health systems best (over summer) rather than trying to stop or contain the outbreaks. And to a lesser extent, trying to isolate and protect the vulnerable.

I guess we just have to trust the experts in this - take your own view if we should trust politicians and newspapers.

Just read about pubs here in Wales which rather than closing are simply barring over-60s. They say it's to protect the vulnerable, but is probably aimed at being able to continue to trade.

Another suggestion was for supermarkets to open for an hour a day exclusively for the elderly to be able to get shopping, probably co-ordinating with each other locally for different days of the week (less crowded, so lower risk of infection from close proximity I suppose).

At this rate, we may all want to go back to 2019 and Brexit for our preferred discussions!!!

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:39 pm
by tofro
World economy 2019: 2% of the richest people own over 50% of the wealth.

World economy 2020: 2% of the dumbest people own over 50% of the toilet paper.


Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:59 pm
by Andrew
tofro wrote: World economy 2020: 2% of the dumbest people own over 50% of the toilet paper.

And Zewa bought Google !


Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:24 pm
by RalfR
Have been in our local REWE supermarket at 4:30 pm and couldn't believe it: Toilet paper was sold out, although two large pallets have arrived in the morning, ordered yesterday(!). The cheap noodles were also sold out. Ravioli in tomato sauce as well (but the sharper ones are better anyway, they were still there :D).

If this continues, it won't be long before rationing begins.

There must be people eating noodles for the next 10 years. And having enough toilet paper for the next wedding balls :mrgreen: .

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:32 pm
by NormanDunbar
Hi Dilwyn,
dilwyn wrote:The advice here is that it has to be 60% alcohol to be effective.
I've heard from someone who knows, that 70% is required. I'm using River's Rum, from Grenada, which is 300 proof. Drinking it I mean! ;)
The masks people are wearing (and panic buying) are, apparently, pretty useless. Not 100% useless though.
dilwyn wrote:But you have far higher chance of washing it off than killing it - reading the science...
The virus is, and I quote, a bundle of RNA (Ribo Nucleaic acid) held together with a lipid membrane. Lipids are just fat. Soap dissolves the fat and bursts the skin holing the bugger together. (unquote). I love it when scientists speak plain language! :)

My mother in law's care home is now on lockdown. She normally goes out 6 days a week, under supervision, but now she's causing no end of trouble because she can't go out. Explaining it to her is of no use as she has Demetia and Alzheimers both. :cry: No visitors, no escape!


Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:38 pm
by pjw
dilwyn wrote:
pjw wrote:And then hand sanitizer - there was a guy in our local supermarket who was asking if he could use toilet bleach to clean his hands :o :o Whisk(e)y or vodka (40%) should be fine in an emergency - if soap and water are not available.
The advice here is that it has to be 60% alcohol to be effective. <>
It appears the issue is a lot more complex than that, and even 60% may not be enough, depending on circumstances. Best stick to official or expert advice! Sorry about that.

My excuse, if youll permit, is that back in the eighties I enrolled as a disaster emergency volunteer with a highly respected international organisation. My instructions included having a pre-packed bag with essentials so as to be ready to go into broken and chaotic environments, at a moment's notice. A bottle of whisky was part of that kit, to be used as an all-round disinfectant, aftershave, mouthwash general anaesthetic, etc ;) I have since followed that advice, out of habit, on many of my travels. The world seems to have moved on since then (whooda thunk!) I guess a more modern kit requirement would now include a standard hand sanitiser..

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:46 pm
by pjw
tofro wrote:World economy 2019: 2% of the richest people own over 50% of the wealth.

World economy 2020: 2% of the dumbest people own over 50% of the toilet paper.

I guess those of us who didnt get in on the act will just have to use both sides now..

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:48 pm
by dilwyn
tofro wrote:World economy 2019: 2% of the richest people own over 50% of the wealth.

World economy 2020: 2% of the dumbest people own over 50% of the toilet paper.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Covid19

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:58 pm
by dilwyn
NormanDunbar wrote:Hi Dilwyn,
dilwyn wrote:The advice here is that it has to be 60% alcohol to be effective.
I've heard from someone who knows, that 70% is required. I'm using River's Rum, from Grenada, which is 300 proof. Drinking it I mean! ;)
Well, put it the other way, under 60% is not much good. Wonder if the alcohol can be absorbed through the skin to make it dual purpose ;).

And the explanation about the lipid surface of the virus simplifies what I read, thanks.