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Re: Fitting a Minerva EEPROM to a Issue 5 QL
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:18 pm
by RalfR
dilwyn wrote:Also depends on what TK2 image it was. Some of the 16K plug in EPROMs didn't have a TK2_EXT command (although most did, to enforce the TK2 definitions if required later). The extensions in those versions were just linked in at startup and that was that available to use without any action on your part. Try using one of the TK2 extensions, if it works, youll know that was the case. TBH, very unlikely, but one of those quick things to test before wasting time on something which takes much longer. If this was the case, you'd see a startup message top of the screen before pressing F1/F2 to start the QL.
Hmm, I do not know any TK2 ROM without TK2_EXT, but I may be wrong. The better way seems (for me) to put it all together under QL with RPM or EPROM Manager, as these take care of the right boundaries,
In the old days, I have done this always "by hand", say, RESPR e.g. 32k, then LBYTES the e.g. SQB ROM into the first, then TK2 into first+16k, then SBYTES this as 32k and burn the EPROM. This has worked everytime.
Re: Fitting a Minerva EEPROM to a Issue 5 QL
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:00 pm
by Vyper68
For the time being I am going to have to stick to using Windows for making my EEPROM images. I lack the ability/knowledge to transfer software from a PC to a disk image for use on my Gotek.
I used a Minerva198.rom which filled out the end of the image to $BFFF and then added a image called TKv232.rom which was from $C000 onwards.
I thought it needed to start at $C000 based on the memory map, I can reprogram the chip if need be and I’ve made a mistake.
Re: Fitting a Minerva EEPROM to a Issue 5 QL
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:15 pm
by tofro
Vyper68 wrote:
I used a Minerva198.rom which filled out the end of the image to $BFFF and then added a image called TKv232.rom which was from $C000 onwards.
I thought it needed to start at $C000 based on the memory map, I can reprogram the chip if need be and I’ve made a mistake.
That looks like the proper way to do it.
Apparently, you picked a version of the toolkit that doesn't have a proper ROM header. What does
return (should be 19195) and
(should be 1)
If this is not the case, the proper ROM header is missing.
Re: Fitting a Minerva EEPROM to a Issue 5 QL
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:31 am
by Vyper68
Thanks for the help guys, I finally got it sorted. I had the jumper configured incorrectly. It now shows TK232 along with my Kempston disk drive and TK2_EXT works and the pokes returned the correct values.
Happy days