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Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:30 pm
by tetroid
mk79 wrote:tetroid wrote:Wanted Miracle Super Gold card in working order.
Should be original EP1810 chip with original "INGOT21" label.
I working on SGC card clone, I have original green SGC ( refurbished ) but I dont sure about EP1810 original or not.
Card dont work properly and my clone too.
I see the best way - to check the original SGC in working order.
First of all, great job on your GC clone, it's running fine here
While browsing my hard drive I seem to have found the original Miracle System equations for INGOT 20 (and according to Google picture search that version did exist for the SGC). Might that help?
Cheers, Marcel
Thank you very much.
This is very interesting.
Unfortunately,I didnt finish this work ( SCG clone ) yet. Problem with EP1810 chips.
INGOT equationt should be very helpful.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:11 pm
by Artificer
Sorry cannot lend SuperGoldCard as it is in daily use. But if you do manage to get the clone working an increase in on card memory and a faster CPU speed and a means of switching from 9v to 5 v operation would make it immensely interesting to those who already have a SuperGoldCard.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:38 am
by Arnould
Hello from France,
I have an unused Super Gold Card that I would send to either Tetroid to the far east, or Dave to the far west, or to Marcel, Germany.
It is one of the first produced, I got it from the hands of Stuart Honeyball himself during a show, maybe in 1993 (I have not found the invoice, but I will look again for it). I used it without any problems with my 1984 JM QL upgraded with Minerva for about 12 years. Afterwards it was stored in my cave for about 12 more years. This is ridiculous when it is so rare. Hereunder 2 pictures of this card filled with 12 years of dust. I don't want to test it here, because I do not want to blow up either my QL or the Super Gold Card after so many years of sleep.
I understand that Tetroid and Dave could reverse engineer it to produce new batches, and Marcel could use it to test software. Hence I would send it to Tetroid. He would look at it at will, and answer all of Dave's questions. If Dave still needed it, Tetroid would send it to him. And then it would be sent to Marcel. If it still works after such a journey, then Marcel could pay whatever he thinks it is worth so that he would be the new owner, as I saw that he insists on this.
What do you think of this plan?
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:57 pm
by Pr0f
Did anyone have the abel, equations or JED files for the SGC? I thought there was mention of it on this thread....
The basic building blocks look to be similar to GC card, in that there is an FDC, 64K eprom, an RTC chip - these are common to both GC and SGC - I suspect even to the addresses used.
The Ingot chip is obviously running a different program and also providing a parallel port. The processor is 68020 rather than 68000. Most of what's different will be within the 'ingot' chip.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:27 pm
by tetroid
Arnould wrote:Hello from France,
I have an unused Super Gold Card that I would send to either Tetroid to the far east, or Dave to the far west, or to Marcel, Germany.
It is one of the first produced, I got it from the hands of Stuart Honeyball himself during a show, maybe in 1993 (I have not found the invoice, but I will look again for it). I used it without any problems with my 1984 JM QL upgraded with Minerva for about 12 years. Afterwards it was stored in my cave for about 12 more years. This is ridiculous when it is so rare. Hereunder 2 pictures of this card filled with 12 years of dust. I don't want to test it here, because I do not want to blow up either my QL or the Super Gold Card after so many years of sleep.
I understand that Tetroid and Dave could reverse engineer it to produce new batches, and Marcel could use it to test software. Hence I would send it to Tetroid. He would look at it at will, and answer all of Dave's questions. If Dave still needed it, Tetroid would send it to him. And then it would be sent to Marcel. If it still works after such a journey, then Marcel could pay whatever he thinks it is worth so that he would be the new owner, as I saw that he insists on this.
What do you think of this plan?
Thank you, very interesting.
I am interesting to buy.
I have one for testing now, but I need to return it, I am interesting to have for testing and compare with my clone always, as soon as it is needed.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:17 pm
by Dave
I have two SGC and one GC.
We don't have any interest in cloning the SGC. We'll leave that to Tetroid. He is better at that type of work anyway.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:24 am
by Starfrog
Tetroid, it’s fantastic that you are beginning to do this work, I’d be fist in line to purchase such a card
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:20 pm
by Arnould
Hello Tetroid (Vitaliy),
So Dave does not need a SGC, my mistake because of a message about a file with equations above. And Marcel informed us on his blog that he can wait for your clone to test his new developments.
So this Super Gold Card is for you.
About price: what about sending me one of your fully workable clones of this card when available (I do not wish to test, reprogram chips etc..)? So if it is broken after 12 years or it never arrives because of the post for example, no problem with money

I even may get a better product as payment eg SGC clone with 8 or 16 or even 32 MB of memory instead of 4? Your decision.
One question: do you think that I can take the heatsink away so that the parcel will be lighter, or is there a potential problem of breaking the card? Do you have an equivalent heatsink if I take it away? I only see 2 screws to remove to unmount that heatsink.
Awaiting your answer.
Ah, did I mention that I find what you do for the QL community incredible? A sort of a miracle in fact. Same for Peter and Dave of course but they are long term QL enthusiasts whereas I never heard of you before I looked at this forum after about 6 months.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:11 pm
by Dave
The heatsink is very light aluminum. It weighs about the same as a single IC. The way the beard is assembled, it's kind of fun to get it back together. I suspect the first thing Tetroid will do is remove the heatsink and replace the 7805 with a buck regulator anyway.
It would probably be good to let him see how it was assembled with the heatsink, because it was an interesting arrangement.
There are no spare pins on INGOT so if this is cloned to have more memory, it would require retargeting to a new device.
Re: Miracle Super Gold card
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:17 pm
by tetroid
Arnould wrote:Hello Tetroid (Vitaliy),
So Dave does not need a SGC, my mistake because of a message about a file with equations above. And Marcel informed us on his blog that he can wait for your clone to test his new developments.
So this Super Gold Card is for you.
About price: what about sending me one of your fully workable clones of this card when available (I do not wish to test, reprogram chips etc..)? So if it is broken after 12 years or it never arrives because of the post for example, no problem with money

I even may get a better product as payment eg SGC clone with 8 or 16 or even 32 MB of memory instead of 4? Your decision.
One question: do you think that I can take the heatsink away so that the parcel will be lighter, or is there a potential problem of breaking the card? Do you have an equivalent heatsink if I take it away? I only see 2 screws to remove to unmount that heatsink.
Awaiting your answer.
Ah, did I mention that I find what you do for the QL community incredible? A sort of a miracle in fact. Same for Peter and Dave of course but they are long term QL enthusiasts whereas I never heard of you before I looked at this forum after about 6 months.
Thank you, Arnould.
Yes. this is good idea, I can returm the new SGC clone.
But I dont sure how many days it takes, the new PCB for SGC clone didnt arrived yet. Anyway, I will ship asap.
I think the heatsink dont very heavy, but is nesessary for original SGC.
And heatsink dont need for SGC clone.
I sent PM to you.