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Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:10 am
by tofro
Maybe it's time to start at the very beginning

Have you read through those pages:
If not, you should. There's full documentation on how to get files from the Internet to the QL or emulator.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:18 am
by g0blinish
of course I read,. WXQT2 doesn't work.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:26 am
by Derek_Stewart
What emulator are you using?
Qemulator (registered) can attach zip files to the MDV slots, this should preverse the executable header.
Failing that you need to get the ZIPped archive into a QL environment before you unzip the files otherwise, the QDOS header information will be lost and you will have to guess at the dataspace required to create the Executable file.
While this is not a problem is a real pain to do everytime.
This was a major probelm in 1990s, there are basic programmes to add QDOS headers to file.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:35 am
by g0blinish
I'm using Qemulator and QLAY2. Seems registering doesn't makes sence: limit to write data, a couple of issues with emulation.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:44 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Please the attached screen dump from Qemulator, I just attached the ADDRASM_ZIP file to slot 1 and it booted up into the assembler.

- Qemulator running ADDR Assembler
You will have register Qemulator to do this.
But this seems the easiest way to get zip file from PC into a QL enironment.
The software can be copied to a QXL.WIN file and loadable on any QL system that reads QXL.WIN files.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:46 pm
Just tried it here (admittedly on Windows version of q-emulator) and I get the same as Derek.
Maybe try downloading the zip again?
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:08 pm
by Derek_Stewart
I used the registered version of Qemulator on Linux running wine...
The attachment of zip files is not available in the unregistered version.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:52 am
by g0blinish
RWAP wrote:Maybe try downloading the zip again?
let check hashsum:
I downloaded many times Adder with sam result. if shareware limitation exists it sucks.
I think about registering and buying one.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:18 pm
by dilwyn
The unregistered version of QemuLator has a few restrictions compared to the registered version.
Registration unlocks many extra features like faster CPU emulation, quick loading of SuperBASIC programs, a more advanced file system supporting subdirectories, access to QXL.WIN files, .ZIP files, Aurora and Q60 video cards, TCP/IP driver, choice of RAM sizes, etc.
After you have registered, you actually have a choice to unregister also! I sometimes use this to test if software works on the unregistered version, then simply entering the code again turns it back into the registered version.
This definitely sounds like why you've had this problem, since other people have got it to work OK on QemuLator with 128K RAM.
It's not that shareware "sucks", this is a try-before-you-buy from the author who has actually been good enough to allow enough facilities to run modest unzipped programs for free.
Re: How to start programming with assembly?
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:35 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Dilwyn,
By registering Qemulator, we are supporting a QL Writer to write good software.
Also, the registered version can mount ZIP files to a WIN / MDV slot. This allows the contents to be copied to a QXL.WIN file maintaining the QDOS header.
Quite a neat feature.