QL2k speed change

Discussion and advice about emulating the QL on other machines.
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Re: QL2k speed change

Post by XorA »

Needless to say, it's about 16 years since the emulator was last updated, so perhaps not surprising it doesn't work too well on modern systems. And QLay and QLay 2 are a little older.
That is the reason I started qlay3.

MDV (a tiny part now as I rewrote it almost completely) and IPC code is based on qlay2 (because its GPL). Otherwise everything else is all new!

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Re: QL2k speed change

Post by Jbizzel »

Hi guys..

It's great to know someone is working on qlay3, as it is a very nice emulator, apart from my issues.

I realised today that I had installed qemulator ages ago, and it is serval versions behind. I also discovered that the latest free version actually can make use of qlay MDv format. The old version could not. So I was able to run the MDv files on that and test them out.

This means that I was actually able to play a game correctly!

I think the qlay issue is something to do with the keyboard input. But I am no expert!


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