Thing Removal

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Re: Thing Removal

Post by pjw »

Derek_Stewart wrote:Hi,

Thank you for the information and update.

I read JonS attached manual, which slso coverd the Thing_rext v2.17 from QL/E, which is good I thought I had to start programming again.

Amother question with regards to Things, if a Thing creates child thing and this child thing creates jobs to perform tasks relating to the child thing. Is the correct way to remove the child thing, to close the jobs, then remove the child thing use the thing id?
If a job uses a Thing and the job is removed, nothing special need happen, this is normal. If the Thing being used by a job is removed, then the job is also removed. If a job owns a Thing (ie the job set up the Thing in its own memory space) and that job is removed, the Thing is also removed, and any job using that Thing is removed too. Is that what you mean?
Its complicated, but reasonably well explained in the QDOS - SMSQ Reference manual, section 17. Jochen has also written some articles on Things. These are, or will be, available at Dilwyn's and probably elsewhere.

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Re: Thing Removal

Post by BSJR »

Artificer wrote:There are 3 different Thing extensions in circulation.

2 are on QLE, which includes in the sys folder the thing _ext extension v2.17 written by Jochen Merz, code size 4096 bytes, alongside it in the same folder is Thing_rext which comes in at 1920 bytes, v0.5, no authorship attributed, but appears to be identical to the thing_rext distributed with C68 and finally a THING_rext of 2096 bytes length, no authorship attributed in the file, which I found on my hard disk, no idea where it came from.
The 1920 bytes Thing_rext is part of the old Linedesign v2.0x, before the ProWesS version 2.1x.
It's LRESPR'd by the BOOT file but not mentioned anywhere in the manual. It's most likely meant for QDOS/Minerva systems to allow the QVME Thing and Menu_rext to work, so I guess obsolete under SMSQ/E.


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Re: Thing Removal

Post by Tinyfpga »

I cannot find a copy of the file QDASM_REXT on Dilwyn Jones's website. Is anyone able to post a copy of this file and perhaps
some guidance on its use?

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Re: Thing Removal

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Tinyfpga wrote:I cannot find a copy of the file QDASM_REXT on Dilwyn Jones's website. Is anyone able to post a copy of this file and perhaps
some guidance on its use?

QDasm_rext is bundled with QD. So the QD2018 from Dilwyn's site:


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Re: Thing Removal

Post by pjw »

Can someone please tell me where I can find documentation on QDasm?
I stopped using QDasm when I found I could just as well use FileInfo2 to
do the business, but now Id like to take another look..

Jochen also mentions in his QD documentation that the "definition of
the structures and routines to programming your own QD Things" were
available on his BBS. I never took the chance when I had it. Are these
available anywhere? Not that Im planning anything, but they may come
in handy all the same. And so much stuff has been lost - stuck on some
now defunct server somewhere..

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Re: Thing Removal

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Per,

I gound this definition of QD5 Things:
(2.59 KiB) Downloaded 89 times
maybe you have seen it.

QDasm just executes QMAC and compile the current file in QD.


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Re: Thing Removal

Post by pjw »

Derek_Stewart wrote:Hi Per,

I gound this definition of QD5 Things:
maybe you have seen it.

QDasm just executes QMAC and compile the current file in QD.
Thanks, Derek. Thats the one :)
Regarding QDasm, theres more to it: theres a menu of options. But I guess they are maybe just a way of passing directives to the assembler. Perhaps configuring QDasm will reveal more. I'll see when next I get the time.

PS: Dilwyn should definitely grab this one ;)

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