Hi again Bytesguy!
Bytesguy wrote: I was able to swap around the internal drives, but still have the same issue. I tried each one individually in position 1, no dice.
What rotten luck! Until you get at least one drive formatting at least one cartridge OK, it's tricky to find the root cause...
Bytesguy wrote:I checked some voltages and can see 9v (which is what I read is required for the erase head) is going to the mdv connector ok (in fact it's 9.8v, but that may be because it was unplugged so no load).
In fact, 9.5-10.5 is about right - it's the output from the QL PSU and only _nominally_ 9V. Even under normal load, it seems to stay around the high 9's... It also supplies the 9V motor, BTW...
Bytesguy wrote:It would seem like something is not happy on the motherboard, or maybe I have a buggy rom version?
To my mind, the motherboard itself has little to do with the _performance_ of the MDV units at this level - especially once you remove them from the case and avoid all the electrical noise.
But the ZX8302 on the other hand could be suspect here - the one common element across all the drives you've tried. Its quite possible to run a QL with a slightly dodgy 8302 in my experience, without realising it for a while...
Before getting too stuck-in, one easy thing to check is whether the standard mod is correctly attached between the 8302 and the -12V line - namely, a pair of 33kohm resistors soldered between pins 19/21 of the ULA and pin 1 of the 1488 (IC25). If they are not present at all, don't worry - they just 'help' and I've run drives without this mod perfectly well before. But if, say, one resistor is attached, but the other has come detached, then that would upset things.
If you can spare a few quid, Rich Mellor sells replacement 8302s and its always worth keeping a spare of the pluggable ICs to-hand when playing with suspect QL hardware...
As for a buggy ROM - I'm not aware of any ROM likely to be in circulation today that would cause this particular behaviour, but out of interest, which ROM is installed?
Bytesguy wrote:I suppose at least this rules out faults in the microdrive units themselves?
The jury's still out, but seems highly unlikely that ALL of them are somehow 'incompatible' with your QL...
Chr$ wrote:...no doubt Martyn will know.
I'm afraid not, Chr$ - my experience is like yours - I've only tried one ZX drive on my QL and it worked perfectly well.