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Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:45 pm
by mhanias
The 8301 is rare now Is there any plan to product new or alternative zx8301 or 8302 chips?
Re: 8301
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by Dave
I did a little work on the 8302/8049 but it came to nothing. It's just too complicated for me. Now I've had a computer failure and lost *everything* so....
Re: 8301
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:15 pm
by mk79
I don‘t think there will be an alternative anytime soon, which is why I personally bought a couple of spares.
But the market will form once none are available anymore, so who knows what happens then.
Re: 8301
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:56 pm
by XorA
Desperation causes innovation, so I guess when supply runs dry

Re: 8301
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:41 pm
by Nasta
XorA wrote:Desperation causes innovation, so I guess when supply runs dry

Amen to that. Honestly it's not that a clone of the 8301 could not be done but even given all the resources I would not do it. It is really NOT a very optimal design, even for it's day, though it does have a few clever points. I think I explained at some length what it does and how it does it in another thread...
Now, an ALTERNATIVE would be more than welcome. Preferably one with some very much needed enhancements.
More if you ask me...

Re: 8301
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:19 am
by Pr0f
More please

Re: 8301
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:30 pm
by jivrt
Yes, more. Nasta ‘s explanations are gold nuggets!
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Re: 8301
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:32 pm
by Peter
If only there were 5V tolerant FPGAs...
Re: 8301
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:39 pm
by Nasta
The function of the 8301 is to be the main address decoder and the video interface.
While the decoding is fairly simple, it's the video interface that makes things quite 'rigid' in the hardware sense, and some of that rigidity is transferred to software.
Here is an example:
The 8301 uses a 15MHz internal clock to run it's memory controller logic, and runs the CPU at half that. The reason it is done this way is that the CPU internally runs 'double rate', things happen on both edges of it's clock, so one could say that the CPU internally works at 15MHz, so to 'track' what it is doing at any given time in order to know how to split cycles between video and CPU accessing the memory. If one was doing a replacement using programmable logic, it's not really difficult to run this clock at a rate that is inside rather wide limits - original QL logic is after all old, and in today's terms, slow.
However, the 8301 also divides the internal clock by 1.5 to get a 10MHz clock, which is used to generate video (it is used directly as the dot clock for mode 4). We all know that the QL produces a slightly wider than normal picture (the term is 'overscan'), and this is the reason - while deriving the required video timing (which is actually very rigidly specified) is quite simple from a 10MHz clock, 512 pixels in a line at the same rate will produce overscan and will not be compatible with all TVs and monitors, regarding the visibility of the full picture width.
If the internal clock was 16MHz, the dot clock would be 10.67MHz which is exactly enough to produce a fully visible picture in mode 4, although the logic needed to derive video timing would me slightly more complex.
But, this would also run the CPU at 8MHz (meaning various things like drivers for the network and microdrives would have to be 'adjusted' to work) and the RAM would also run proportionally faster, with some complication in deriving the basic timing logic. A deeper analysis shows that the timing and clock were derived based on 250ns access DRAM which was at the time prevalent and being slowly pushed out by faster 200 ans 180ns DRAM, which means prices were falling and likely to be cheap when the QL hits the market - and knowing SInclair, this was an important point, more so than overscan, considering that a full 512 pixels was intended for the 'professional' user that would use a dedicated monitor rather than a TV.
So, you could say that the design is 'too optimized' in some ways.
An interesting aside is that the 'as simple as possible logic' is one more clue amongst several that 8301 and 8302 probably started life as a single custom chip design, to the point that the 8302 bus is connected originally to the local DRAM bus of the 8301, which was separated once the HAL chip was introduced on newer board revisions. I can go into more detail with that at some other time. My guess (not entirely uneducated) is that Sinclair decided to use already proven smaller ULA chips rather than a newer and larger one, due to huge problems Acorn had at the time with bringing it's Electron computer to market due to problems with it's large single ULA, that took several tries (and huge amounts of cash) to get right. It should also be noted that the Electron used then brand new 64k x 4 DRAM chips to reduce price, which would significantly reduce the size and complexity of the QL motherboard, reducing the 16 DRAM chips to only 4 - but with 64k x 1 DRAM already being used in the Spectrum and the +128 possibly in the works, it was a different economy of scale.
We could also look at some other designs of the time. Atari ST had comparable resolutions (in terms of memory used, which also means in terms of bus bandwidth needed to refresh the screen) and they managed to do it without a noticeable slow down of the CPU, by dividing the 4-clock access cycle of the CPU in a 2+2 scheme with 2 cycles dedicated to the actual CPU access and the other 2 for video - but the ST had a full 16-bit data bus so could pull 2x the data per clock, compared to the QL. While the QL does have 16 DRAM chips 1-bit wide each, in theory it could have used a 16-bit bus, but the ULA simply does not have enough pins for that (although that would have SIGNIFICANTLY simplified the internal ULA logic!), here again reducing to 8 bits eventually reduces cost - the ULA costs the same per given density, no matter how much of it's internal logic makes up useful circuits.
The reason I mention this is because an 8301 replacement would be heavily dependent on the existing RAM layout (unless it supplied it's own RAM, given that a replacement would have to be a board rather than a real chip), in which case one has to either do more or less the same the original did, or be very clever regarding the usage of existing RAM considering a 'lowest common denominator' timing mode as one can never be sure what kind of RAM will be found on a particular motherboard.
A little bit of perhaps not so commonly known history is in order here:
When Miracle systems announced the Masterpiece graphics card, it's basic spec was the same QL modes, but doubled resolution in both directions. Unfortunately, at the same time Miracle became a single person, the late Stuart Honeyball. At the time I was thinking about new graphics and Stuart, being pressed with non-QL projects, effectively dumped his work on Masterpiece in my lap, saying there is no reason to be competition. This was a VERY generous thing on his behalf, which I shall certainly never forget. In any case, later on, Stuart decided to resurrect the Masterpiece as a low-cost alternative to the Aurora for users that would decide to keep their QL's in the original box. This actually plugged into the 8301 socket (with flying lead to bus pin A19) and used the existing two banks of 64k to produce ONLY 640x480 resolution, VGA compatible. I am not sure but I think it would also do 512x256 and mode 8 in half the horizontal resolution as usual, centered inside a 640x480 field, for compatibility - and this required a lot of trickery to get the required bandwidth out of the old slow RAM. Unfortunately, it never happened, for the same reason GoldFire never happened - since Stuart had kindly given me one of his licences for AMD CPLD software, we were both based on those CPLD chips, and AMD decided to sell it's programmable logic business to Lattice, who promptly shut down most of AMDs advanced CPLDs, exactly the ones we would have used. Stuart got wind of this beforehand and found out Cypress was making improved clones, but alas when Lattice killed off the AMD versions, Cypress did the same for theirs - and a lot of work simply went down the drain.
Another interesting tidbit in this story is that the internal video data path of the 8301 is indeed 16-bit. One has only to look at the pixel data organization in memory. MODE 4 is the basic template, with one 16-bit word having one color component in the low byte and the other in the high byte of the word. In order to output a new group of 8 mode 4 or 4 mode 8 pixels to the screen, the ULA has to buffer 16 bits of data, i.e. 2 bytes. In actual fact it goes one step further and buffers 4 bytes at a time (more on this later). This complicates the logic, and... one might say, the way pixels are drawn as well. While MODE 4 drawing makes sense once one looks at the workings of the MOVEP assembler instruction, MODE 8 is decidedly more complex and thus slower. MODE 4 bit organization lends itself to simpler drawing of characters, which start as a 1-bit bitmap in ROM or RAM, but left/right PAN and mode 8 get to be complex and slow, perhaps one reason why there are not so many games on the QL! It is a pity the QL does not have a 'chunky' pixel organization (all bits of one pixel are next to each other in a byte/word/long word). While that does require about 1.5k of tables to help conversion of 1-bit images like characters, to 2 or 8/16 colors, and perhaps the reason it was not done is the ROM was already over-full, it would have made things easier for upgrades. The way the 8301 gets the required bandwidth from memory to display the screen, using an 8-bit data bus, however would have to stay the same even with that way of organizing bits to pixels. It would, however, simplify logic for a possible replacement with faster RAM :/
I will leave the exact way the 8301 generated the screen for the next post, and only say here that CPU access to RAM is heavily interlocked with the screen timing. This logic is simplified as far as it could have been given the underlying bus size and RAM speed, which also makes it not as optimal as it could have been.
What remains to be said here are a few things regarding the reliability of the chip itself.
There are two serious risks to it's health:
1) The video signals (RGB and synch) are directly connected to the monitor, which makes them susceptible to problems caused by the monitor connection - from static discharges to short circuits. The monochrome and composite outputs are much better in this respect as they are in a way additionally buffered and not directly connected to the ULA. Video signals are also available on the bus and susceptible to the same problems as others, like pins being bent and shorted. The signals themselves also have to travel the complete length of the motherboard which does not do good to signal quality - not a huge problem is used as TTL signals which means they will be re-shaped in the monitor, but not so good if used as analog signals. In particular using them as the latter without series resistors will severely overload the video signal pins of the ULA.
2) Heat - the main problem here being the requirement to drive the address lines of 16 RAM chips connected in parallel. Replacing that RAM with 64x4 parts reduces current consumption of the QL by half or more - also reduces the current required from the 8301 to drive the RAM signals by a factor of 4, lo and behold it remains very lukewarm under those conditions. Further, using a GC or SGC reduces the average number of accesses to the RAM drastically, further reducing power consumption and heat - in a GC/SGC system, the motherboard RAM is only accessed for writing, and only for the screen area (usually only screen 0), which means bank 1 os never accessed and also the top 32k of bank 0 unless Minerva is used in 2-screen mode.
Re: 8301
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:08 pm
by pjw
Wow! Thanks, Nasta. Even I understood and enjoyed a lot of that

Shame theres not a enough of a living in our tiny world to keep you directly involved in projects.