Peter wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:52 pm
tofro wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:46 pm
If we're honest, programs won't become
terribly more fast when we start to use 68020+ (or even better) instructions.
My recent attempt to generate such code was triggered by a specialty. Which is the need for "demanding" code to test 68060 overclocking, including the EC version. The easy way to run something under Linux, requiring at least the LC verison, is blocked. In the worst case, I have to go bare metal IOT utilise GCC with -m68060, but that would probably cost lots of time. Such a test software could also be interesting for Derek, should he decide to use EC CPUs in the future.
Do you have any ideas what could be done, ideally an existing piece of software?
HI Peter,
An 68EC060 CPU would be a good cheap option, especially if only SMSQ/E or QDOS lassic is used. I will look into the availability of 68060 CPUs.
There are cases of 68060 CPUs being forged, that is maybe a 68EC060 is being rebadged as a 68RC060, but if we do not care about the FPU or MMU, then it forgery issue does not matter. I intend to use an Amiga A1200 with TF1260 68060 CPU expansion board to test the 68060 CPUs used in the Q60. (At last a use for an Amiga...)
While I use Linux as a desktop machine, I am not really interested in Linux on the Q60, though can supply it in any form.
Back in 2002 when D&D Systems launched the production of the Q60, there was a large back-lash from the existing QL trading group, supported by QL publications of the day, sorry to keep bringing this up, but the issues surrounding the Q60 speed issues were a political decision by the QL trading group, to inhibit the success that D&D Systems had, where existing QL traders have a limited market reception and actually introduced a bad reputation with the production of the Q40.
We (D&D Systems) could a decision of drop the Q40 and introduce an improved Q40, called the Q40i to distance the Q40 and Q60 name, but alas only one Q40i board was ever sold.
The Q40i was attempt to move away for the issues of the production of the Q40 by existing QL traders that made made such a mess of a perfect design of the Q40.
This is the real reason for the lack of speed of the Q60.
This is a last time I will mention this and I would like to keep this message thread on topic.