I must admit that it is a new field for me. Last night I was talking about it and getting more info from Johan, even he gave me his tool to calculate the data space of an image.
Till now the only thing I used to do was to copy MDV images into my SD and work with them, Dr Gusman tools I think solves the matter, but there are things that I don't understand yet. Thus I decided to start to investigate about it and to document it in PDF, Wiki and some videos for newbies like me.
Also mention that thanks to Johan, I will make a Java tool (with GUI) to share with the community to deal with the "magic fields" ("headers" and so on). If things goes right, I will ask to Johan and other advances users what other tools I could add to this APP in order to make much easier for everyone to deal with MDV images.
I work with Linux, that is why I didn't get any of those troubles with headers. Many users that use MDP not (most common Windows users), so it could be a great tools multi-platform (Linux, Mac, Windows, OS/2... any OS that runs Java VM).
Sorry if I cannot answer some questions, but I have not enough level/information about all details for it.
About to put a folder inside others... hummm interesting, I didn't find that problem in su-folders, only in the root directory, but yes... it makes sense and should happen too.
Thank you for all suggestions and sharing the information about that matter that is very new for me.