I use the ready-to-download binaries from https://github.com/stronnag/xtc68/releases
, which should be pretty new (2022). I use an Apple M2 laptop for development.
The toolchain works well for simple programs. I also have code to draw lines, etc. (which is needed for my game).
So I was thought all fine to start ...

The issues now:
- Sometimes, the exe doesn't work anymore when I add additional code to a function or more case blocks in a switch statement, etc.
- Sometimes, it's even enough to copy the same line of code, and it won't work anymore
Good example is this one:
Code: Select all
graphicsBox(SCREEN, 10, 10, 100, 30, COLOR_GREEN); // 1
graphicsBox(SCREEN, 10, 10, 100, 30, COLOR_GREEN); // 2
graphicsBox(SCREEN, 10, 10, 100, 30, COLOR_GREEN); // 3
I don't think it relates to the specific code itself; I can reproduce it with many other examples.
I am still looking to find out what causes these issues.
Do I miss something about how to use this compiler, have I overlooked limitations, or have I chosen the wrong settings?
I build the code quite simple:
Code: Select all
qcc -o out/sysvar.o -c sysvar.c
qcc -o out/graphics.o -c graphics.c
qcc -o out/vtext.o -c vtext.c
qcc -o out/test.o -c test.c
qcc -o test out/test.o out/sysvar.o out/graphics.o out/vtext.o
Any ideas?
Thanks for any thoughts or help!
(I know there is also GCC but so far it will not compile on my M1