I agree - I would rather have hardware with working drivers, which can then maybe be built upon - isn't that in the true spirit of the QL and the QL Users and Tinkerer's Association?tofro wrote:Sometimes it's better to just use what you have at hand and have something that works instead of trying to make things better than they need to be)
Let's face it, the QL worked fine for quite some time, until Tony Tebby and Simon Goodwin showed (in their own ways) how the power of the QL network could be exploited further with fileservers and controlling another QL's screen!
True - I think Simon was coming from the point of view of someone that does not use Windows or MAC based computers - it will be interesting to see if the BDI driver gets ported to QPC2 and maybe even to QDOS Classic....tofro wrote:Hmm. That would have made the driver even more complicated. Today it just about fits into the available ROM space. On the other hand - The method as it is now (transfer through an emulator) should actually fit the targeted user base much more - They never have to leave their known grounds.RWAP wrote: 3) Would it not make more sense at some stage to use a more direct method of storing files on the CF card - maybe utilising the methods used by uQLX / QLAY or even Q-emuLator for storing file headers - in that way there would be no need to use a BDI container for QL files and access from third party systems would be easier.
Perhaps the answer here is to avoid the reference to native mode completely in the main user manual, as it could be confusing. A separate appendix or even manual would be ideal to concentrate on native access and maybe the technical aspects of how the driver layers work together, so that others can develop tools or their own approach to drivers should they wish.tofro wrote:RWAP wrote: 6) Section 7 seems to fall apart after the third open parenthesis, which is never closed. It's as if it's about to describe a way around the BDI image approach but never gets round to it - rather saying that it is not worth even trying to use the 'native' mode.
Will look into this. And yes, this section tries to keep the targeted (see above) user base from using "native mode" in order to protect them from shooting themselves in the foot. We had quite a bit of discussion about this - But, in the end, decided to keep it as simple and safe as possible for the time being. There might - and probably will - be a manual addendum that is going to explain how to use QL-SD in native file system mode.
May I suggest that a blank BDI image file is included and the manual can then just refer to using this file as a starting point. Just a thought though - what size do you make the initial blank image file - or will it automatically increase as it fills up with information?tofro wrote: The actual intention for the targeted user was(for the moment): Use copies of pre-created image files that come with QL-SD. We didn't want the average user go through the hassle of creating their own images. Simply copying a file will get you going.
Yes I understand that - I think Simon would have been interested in seeing the source code (you never know, it might persuade him to have a little play with what he can achieve also). The manual needs to refer to just the site where it will be made available in that case - does it make sense to add it to Dilwyn's site?tofro wrote:That one is owed to the early stage where we are (Remember: The very first one is not even sold yet). This will be made available in due time. Promised.RWAP wrote: 10) Section 15 says: "The source code for the driver can normally be obtained from the same
place that holds this manual." A link needs adding to the manual, as the source code for the driver is not actually available on sellmyretro.com (where the manual is) - are the sources now available?