SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by vanpeebles »

skagon wrote:
vanpeebles wrote:By all means talk pricing about parts but once again you are get very specific with your comments and accusations. While it is hard to judge the manner of posting from text alone, a lot of your posts are coming across as argumentative and looking for a bite.

I've already said to draw a line under it once.
Actually, I think it's the other way around. I seriously don't know if RWAP is the owner of this place or what, but I know that I am right in what I say and I think I've proven my point and made a few irrefutable arguments.
It is not my fault that, even on this thread's first post I pointed out that this has nothing to do with the previous discussion, but he keeps bringing it back up.

I am sorry if you or he or anyone else doesn't like it. I care about the QL community, not the profits of anyone, nor the supposed "investments" (which, as I said before, only serve to sustain *some* customer base and are not charity).

So, you want me to shut up and pretend all is fine and dandy when **someone** offers overpriced stuff he only **just** bought from another auction? Or when everyone goes "oh goody... too bad it's too expensive for us", am I supposed to do the same?

I personally think that **someone** had to say all that, and come out and name the names. Might as well be me, even if that gets me banned. I will not let the last word visible be propaganda, for as long as I can and you let me.

No future but what we make...
The irony is, there are sellers on ebay who pick up QL stuff at car boots etc and other places then sell it with a big price tag with no come backs and no interest in the QL. You however take issue with someone who has served the QL scene well for decades (in all areas not just as a trader). You are wide of the mark. You are more than welcome to stay here and contribute but this has gone round in circles long enough. I'm the admin of this forum and had a number of complaints too.

Move on from this!

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by 1024MAK »

Keep this in mind:-
QL Forum wrote:Total members 189
Okay, there are an unknown number of QL owners who are not members of this forum.
Keep also in mind that QL Today closed partly due to lack of contributors.

I'm not trying to defend anyone. I'm not having a go at anyone. I certainly am not in favour of censorship.

But this war of words (between skagon and RWAP) is not helping anyone. It was amusing for a while. It is way-off topic.

Just my thoughts...


:!: Standby alert :!:
“There are four lights!”
Step up to red alert. Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb :!:
Looking forward to summer in Somerset later in the year :)

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by RWAP »

Everyone is entitled to their point of view..

I am nothing on these forums but another member. It is just that 99% of the people on here have had dealings with me over a number of years and had experience of dealing with me.

Fine, if you want to serve the QL community - great - go out and design some hardware and make your designs available, or even better make them and sell them! The QL community has had some great designers over the years, but no-one willing / able to make the stuff!

If you want to buy and sell items and earn some ready cash to help fund your projects or buy some food - then great - we need more traders!

If you want to be just an end user, then decide if the price of something is what you can afford and buy it or not.. If it's over priced then don't buy it and watch out for another on the market at a lower price.. It is rare I ever buy anything on ebay, as I think they are overpriced, but that is my prerogative, I don't go moaning about the sellers on here....

BUT (and it's a big but) don't throw accusations at other people without doing any research - if you think I'm a rogue trader, out to destroy the QL market, that's your opinion, but don't expect to say that without others defending me based on their experience. Don't deal with me if that's your opinion. There are several other traders on ebay and sellmyretro you could try..

As for 'investments' - well if you can find others out there willing to invest their time and money in the QL Wiki and QL preservation project - GREAT - send them my way and I can hand over the admin rights and broken microdrive cartridges I have not yet managed (or had time) to preserve.... They could start by entering information from QL World and QL User magazines....

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by skagon »

RWAP wrote:If you want to be just an end user, then decide if the price of something is what you can afford and buy it or not.. If it's over priced then don't buy it and watch out for another on the market at a lower price.. It is rare I ever buy anything on ebay...
If any one comes at a lower price, I'm sure you'll get it before anyone else has a chance to.
Or drive the price up to your levels. You don't have to buy stuff, to get the prices high.

vanpeebles wrote:The irony is, there are sellers on ebay who pick up QL stuff at car boots etc and other places then sell it with a big price tag with no come backs and no interest in the QL. You however take issue with someone who has served the QL scene well for decades (in all areas not just as a trader). You are wide of the mark. You are more than welcome to stay here and contribute but this has gone round in circles long enough. I'm the admin of this forum and had a number of complaints too.

Move on from this!
This will be my final word on the subject, and you can choose to lock this or do whatever you want.

Putting everything else aside, all the arguments and points and counterpoints:
I find it really disturbing and indicative of an unhealthy situation that:
- one of your esteemed members goes in another forum
- violates the rules of that forum (which incidentally are the same here too)
- contacts the seller privately
- buys BOTH his Trump cards
- puts them up for sale less than 24 hours later at £30 and £35 higher
- comes here and flaunts the new merchandise

...and everybody rejoices and applauds...

... and it is MY behaviour that everybody in here finds objectionable? Seriously?
Don't you think it's rather... unhealthy that there's NOONE who actually had the guts to say "hey, I wanted one of these!!!" and object to those practices?
Only, you object because I did it, and I wasn't even interested in one of those...

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by dilwyn »

QL Forum is not owned by RWAP - it was set up by Rob Heaton and vanpeebles and continues to be independent of any QL trader or organisation AFAIK.

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Re: SOLD Jurgen Falkenberg Keyboard Interfaces

Post by vanpeebles »

Well it's gone full circle and the items have sold, so I'll be locking this :(
