Help Copying Quill from vDrive to Microcart

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Re: Help Copying Quill from vDrive to Microcart

Post by Derek_Stewart »


There are alot of vDrive MDV files on the QL Homepage available for download.

Just a matter of downloading, extract the MDV file and saving to the vDrive SD Card.

I would not use QLAY, not a good emulator, there are better solutions.

I like to use SMSQmulator or QPC2 with MDI to make the image file and convert it to vDrive format.

All easy...


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Re: Help Copying Quill from vDrive to Microcart

Post by SinclairSociety »

bwinkel67 wrote:
SinclairSociety wrote:Oh wow, thank you!
Let me print this out and download it, re-read, and see if I can get it to work.
If you get it to work, Game-of-the-week me on Battleship. That would be cool on so many fronts. It can run on an actual ZX81 (or on the Spectrum Next I presume) but having it run on an emulated Sinclair ZX81 (my ZXSimulator) on a Sinclair QL would be kind of Sinclair squared. Not a graphical game, just a plain old battleship variant, but it play pretty well and I recently made it smarter.
haha, will do.

Like one of those sunglasses commercials where they take them off and keep on having pair of sunglasses on still.
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