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Post by bwinkel67 »

Anyone here using the OqtaDrive on their BBQL? I saw there are a few variants out there, with one being tiny:

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by xelalex »

I've put an OqtaDrive inside my Issue 5 QL, using Tom Dalby's μPCB 1.0, with minor modifications. Due to the tight space, I had to shave off one corner. Note that a prerequisite for this build though is to replace the original 5V linear power regulator and its massive heat sink with a small bucket converter, to free up enough space.

I wanted to put OqtaDrive inside the QL because an external adapter can only act as drives 3 through 8, but I wanted to take advantage of OqtaDrive's hardware drive mapping also on my QL. The adapter still hooks up to the Microdrive port, except for the COMM signal which is directly taken from the PCB connector of internal drive 1 (pin 1). Drive 1 then gets COMM from COMM_OUT of the OqtaDrive adapter, i.e. the OqtaDrive adapter is now first in chain. This way I can freely move the internal drives, or completely disable them.

Full disclosure: I'm the author of OqtaDrive :)
Last edited by xelalex on Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I have 10 OqtaDrive PCBs to make, just trying to make time.

I only have ZX Microdrive cases to house the Oqtadrive, but if I had a 3D Printer maybe better case would do.

I also need to see if the Oqtadrive will work with the vDriveQL.

There is also a shortage of the PI Zero W, which should be in stock in the next few months.
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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by Andrew »

What is the OqtaDrive? Or more to the point, what are the differences between OqtaDrive and vDriveQL, from the user's point of view?

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by bwinkel67 »

Andrew wrote:What is the OqtaDrive? Or more to the point, what are the differences between OqtaDrive and vDriveQL, from the user's point of view?
I don't think it is made for swapping SD cards...but otherwise emulates microdrives like the vDrive.

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by Derek_Stewart »


The Otadrive is a Microdrive emulator that can use a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, so that standard microdrive images can be transferred by WIFI.

I am not sure how it would work with a vDriveQL, but I will try once I have built one and connect with my vDrive attached.


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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by xelalex »

OqtaDrive is not tied to any particular storage media, such as an SD card. At its core, it's a protocol converter (that's the Arduino part) that communicates with a daemon process, which then takes care of managing the cartridges. That daemon can run almost anywhere. A Raspberry Pi is just one of the options. It could also be your PC, notebook, whatever. How you store cartridges there is up to you. You can use an SD card reader if you want, but you don't have to.

Additionally, there's a command line tool and also a web interface for accessing the daemon. With either one you can control what's in the emulated drives from anywhere within your local network, e.g. up- and download cartridges. The repository feature allows you to store your complete collection of cartridges alongside the daemon, and then load from that as needed. Web UI and CLI have a search function for that, i.e. thousands of images at your fingertips.

Other features:
  • works with both Sinclair & QL, no reconfiguration needed
  • can co-exist with actual hardware Microdrive units, which can be mapped on demand to any slot in the drive chain or turned off
  • for Spectrum, Z80 snapshot files can be directly loaded, no additional software required
  • connect a rumble motor for authentic sound ;-)
I'm sure I forgot something. An upcoming feature will be capturing actual cartridges from h/w drives for preservation.

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by thorsinclair »

Interesting concept. This basically could be an App Store for the QL.

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by Popopo »

That is an amazing tool, oqtadrive will save my storage problems.
in Spain last month 20 of us did a bunch and we are pretty happy with it. My colleagues are pretty happy, now inmerse in some projects for QL too.
Now trying to do it work, cause all my microDrives has loose their foam, probably the ULA of mdv1 has is faulty and no idea where to get a replacement, I couldn't get a SD reader...

So... thank you man for your work with OqtaDrive, that is my hope.

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Re: OqtaDrive

Post by Andrew »

I anyone selling fully built Oqtadrives?

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