Artificer wrote:<>
As for getting a filemenu window when the main application window is small the quick answer is to close the application main window, outline a window of dimensions that will work with your display and the file menu extension, pop the file menu into that window channel, throw the window away and reopen the applications main window. No need for a separate job and job to job communication. I cannot tell you the code to do this in easymenu as I have only used the QPTR extensions. Bought them in the late 1990s and I am still learning how to get the most out of them.
That sounds like good old MSDOS! The really smart thing about Qdos, a
multitasking system from the start, is that one can have many small
jobs doing different tasks rather than one monolithic one having to
implement everything including the kitchen sink.
Qmenu's FILE_SELECT$ was supposed to be the solution. The problem it
suffers from is that it takes up a lot of screen real estate, so a job
with just a tiny window needs to make an unnecessarily large one to
display it or, as you suggest, close its windows, open a new one,
display the file selector, close that and reopen its own windows
again. Seems a bit clunky to me - especially since its unnecessary.
Inter-job communication isnt great for Qdos, apart from filters, but
it isnt that difficult either. Shared memory or pipes are some
solutions. SMSQ/E has others too, like History, named pipes and a few
others. And yes, Environmental Variables are another possibility, as
long as the list doesnt get too long and cluttered.