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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I have looked the OSSC project looks a good project with alot of valuable features.

The down side is the price, I think £66 for a Dual Layer PCB and £165 for built board, is too expensive

I have downloaded the PCB KICAD files, to see why the PCB is so expensive. The PCB looks nothing special to attract a high price tag.

I tried a few PCB companies in UK, the leadt expensive £10 each. Getting the SMT chips machine soldered would add an extra ecpense, but not £100 plus.

Also the case looks rubbish.

I would like go see the Q68 Ultra Card for the QL.


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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by stephen_usher »

Peter wrote:No time for all of that at the moment, so if the OSSC would not collect dust inside and act as a jamming transmitter, I'd be tempted.
It's interesting you mention that you think that it'll act as an RF "jammer". I've not seen any interference with any systems or analog & digital radio.

If FPGA RF interference were an issue I wonder how many FPGA based and high frequency SoC systems get FCC and CE approval without any faraday cages, merely plastic cases.

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by XorA »

stephen_usher wrote:
Peter wrote:No time for all of that at the moment, so if the OSSC would not collect dust inside and act as a jamming transmitter, I'd be tempted.
It's interesting you mention that you think that it'll act as an RF "jammer". I've not seen any interference with any systems or analog & digital radio.

If FPGA RF interference were an issue I wonder how many FPGA based and high frequency SoC systems get FCC and CE approval without any faraday cages, merely plastic cases.
I guess Peter holds a HAM license :-)

Lots of CE marked stuff has never been tested, its a self certification system so people just slap the mark on. At least in UK there is no department to actually enforce CE (I don't know about other countries).

I have taken devices through actual CE testing with plastic and metal cases and it required quite a bit of work both in code and hardware mods to get them to pass so you can see where my doubts many of these devices were ever tested come from :-D

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by stephen_usher »

I just wonder how the Raspberry Pi gets away with it.

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by NormanDunbar »

stephen_usher wrote:I just wonder how the Raspberry Pi gets away with it.
Lots of expensive testing: ...



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