Issues and questions.

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by jivrt »

flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote:Dears,
I already had the QL cable DIN RGB to SCART and I received today the SCART to VGA box you proposed!
I works great (I ordered version 2, that should be able to adapt more signal types) BUT I loose one column on the left and HALF a column on the right.
I am using a DELL monitor! :(
Any other suggestions? :(
Did you specifically ask for the QL modification when you ordered the video scaler?
When you do , they fine tune it following their previous experience with the QL although they don’t have an actual QL and maybe it’s not always exact.
Your lucky your monitor accepts 50 hz!

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Ok... the mistery is solved. I received the following answer:
The QL modification was to bring more of the picture on the left in to view, and as much as possible for the right side. The QL goes deep in to the “overscan” areas of the TV picture, areas which were there to help older TVs operate without showing a visible border on the screen. It’s an area which would normally be avoided, but Sinclair designed the QL to use this area.

We have a version of the firmware that we can reprogram your converter with to improve the performance with the QL. We just need you to return the converter to us. The modification is free, we love our old computers too, but we’d have to charge for return postage (sorry!).
Now I have to check if it's convenient to ship the box back from Italy... :(
I have an idea. Why dont you ask for another one with the QL modifications and sell the one you have to any italian user of retrocomputers. There must be thousands, in need of a way to connect old rgb computersImage

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by flaviosr »

jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote: Hi,
Did you specifically ask for the QL modification when you ordered the video scaler?
When you do , they fine tune it following their previous experience with the QL although they don’t have an actual QL and maybe it’s not always exact.
Your lucky your monitor accepts 50 hz!

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Ok... the mistery is solved. I received the following answer:
The QL modification was to bring more of the picture on the left in to view, and as much as possible for the right side. The QL goes deep in to the “overscan” areas of the TV picture, areas which were there to help older TVs operate without showing a visible border on the screen. It’s an area which would normally be avoided, but Sinclair designed the QL to use this area.

We have a version of the firmware that we can reprogram your converter with to improve the performance with the QL. We just need you to return the converter to us. The modification is free, we love our old computers too, but we’d have to charge for return postage (sorry!).
Now I have to check if it's convenient to ship the box back from Italy... :(
I have an idea. Why dont you ask for another one with the QL modifications and sell the one you have to any italian user of retrocomputers. There must be thousands, in need of a way to connect old rgb computersImage

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It seems a very good idea! My idea was to keep it anyway for "other" computers hoping the UK Company would prepare a more programmable box.
Now I test the box with other computers (Amiga, Olivetti) and then I decide.
I also tried the QL with its RGB=>SCART cable with an old monitor (a Philips one) and the image quality is more then perfect!
Now I go and search for a MDV1_ replacement...

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by jivrt »

flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote: Ok... the mistery is solved. I received the following answer:
The QL modification was to bring more of the picture on the left in to view, and as much as possible for the right side. The QL goes deep in to the “overscan” areas of the TV picture, areas which were there to help older TVs operate without showing a visible border on the screen. It’s an area which would normally be avoided, but Sinclair designed the QL to use this area.

We have a version of the firmware that we can reprogram your converter with to improve the performance with the QL. We just need you to return the converter to us. The modification is free, we love our old computers too, but we’d have to charge for return postage (sorry!).
Now I have to check if it's convenient to ship the box back from Italy... :(
I have an idea. Why dont you ask for another one with the QL modifications and sell the one you have to any italian user of retrocomputers. There must be thousands, in need of a way to connect old rgb computersImage

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It seems a very good idea! My idea was to keep it anyway for "other" computers hoping the UK Company would prepare a more programmable box.
Now I test the box with other computers (Amiga, Olivetti) and then I decide.
I also tried the QL with its RGB=>SCART cable with an old monitor (a Philips one) and the image quality is more then perfect!
Now I go and search for a MDV1_ replacement...
Great image! Lucky to have a monitor with scart input. We don’t see them in america

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by flaviosr »

jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote: I have an idea. Why dont you ask for another one with the QL modifications and sell the one you have to any italian user of retrocomputers. There must be thousands, in need of a way to connect old rgb computersImage

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It seems a very good idea! My idea was to keep it anyway for "other" computers hoping the UK Company would prepare a more programmable box.
Now I test the box with other computers (Amiga, Olivetti) and then I decide.
I also tried the QL with its RGB=>SCART cable with an old monitor (a Philips one) and the image quality is more then perfect!
Now I go and search for a MDV1_ replacement...
Great image! Lucky to have a monitor with scart input. We don’t see them in america

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Why not?
Commodore ones? Atari ones? I have a Philips and some Commodore... I remember that when I was looking for one, some were sold in the US!
And... I an old post you wrote I am luck that my monitor get the 50 Hz? What do you mean...?

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by Dave »

I've never seen a TV or monitor in the US with SCART, not a single one.

EU PAL is 50Hz, US NTSC is 60Hz. It seems the EU TVs will sync to multiple standards, but the US TVs are a bit more fussy and won't sync to EU standards.

Also, NTSC TVs and composite monitors use a different sub-carrier for the color data, so that's another obstacle.

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by jivrt »

flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote:
It seems a very good idea! My idea was to keep it anyway for "other" computers hoping the UK Company would prepare a more programmable box.
Now I test the box with other computers (Amiga, Olivetti) and then I decide.
I also tried the QL with its RGB=>SCART cable with an old monitor (a Philips one) and the image quality is more then perfect!
Now I go and search for a MDV1_ replacement...
Great image! Lucky to have a monitor with scart input. We don’t see them in america

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Why not?
Commodore ones? Atari ones? I have a Philips and some Commodore... I remember that when I was looking for one, some were sold in the US!
And... I an old post you wrote I am luck that my monitor get the 50 Hz? What do you mean...?
Agree with Dave. Chile uses NTSC.
What I meant is that new monitors have an official refresh rate of 75-80 or maybe more Hz and so won’t bother in detecting lower refresh rates as the QL 50 hz. They would inform Signal Out of range. Some multi sync modern ones or older retro ones don’t have any problem with the lower Hz

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by flaviosr »

jivrt wrote:
flaviosr wrote:
jivrt wrote: Great image! Lucky to have a monitor with scart input. We don’t see them in america

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Why not?
Commodore ones? Atari ones? I have a Philips and some Commodore... I remember that when I was looking for one, some were sold in the US!
And... I an old post you wrote I am luck that my monitor get the 50 Hz? What do you mean...?
Agree with Dave. Chile uses NTSC.
What I meant is that new monitors have an official refresh rate of 75-80 or maybe more Hz and so won’t bother in detecting lower refresh rates as the QL 50 hz. They would inform Signal Out of range. Some multi sync modern ones or older retro ones don’t have any problem with the lower Hz

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Now it's clear. I have only Dell monitors (3 different models) and all of them get Amiga native video format!!!! ORIGINAL!!! Only with a connector adaptor!
I have seen many discussions in other forum about the possibility of using modern monitors for old computers and I have discovered from my personal experience that Dell rocks!!! Probably the owner is an old computer fan! Who knows...

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by stephen_usher »

Last week I took possession of an OSSC (Open Source Scan Converter) so as to allow my Atari TT, which has a non-standard VGA output, to display well on modern TVs/displays. The OSSC has a variety of inputs, including VGA and SCART, and outputs to HDMI.

Now, the device isn't cheap, costing just under £200 including the delivery, remote control and 5 volt power supply.

Well, this evening I thought that I'd try hooking up the QL to the SCART interface and this was the result on my cheap Full HD TV...
This scan converter has almost zero lag, which is great for games, unlike the cheap scan converter I've used previously. Also the output is amazingly sharp.

If you're interested you can buy one here: ... converter/

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by jivrt »

stephen_usher wrote:Last week I took possession of an OSSC (Open Source Scan Converter) so as to allow my Atari TT, which has a non-standard VGA output, to display well on modern TVs/displays. The OSSC has a variety of inputs, including VGA and SCART, and outputs to HDMI.

Now, the device isn't cheap, costing just under £200 including the delivery, remote control and 5 volt power supply.

Well, this evening I thought that I'd try hooking up the QL to the SCART interface and this was the result on my cheap Full HD TV...
This scan converter has almost zero lag, which is great for games, unlike the cheap scan converter I've used previously. Also the output is amazingly sharp.

If you're interested you can buy one here: ... converter/
Looks very good!
Seems as a device to keep an eye on.

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Re: Issues and questions.

Post by Peter »

The picture looks better than anything else I saw generated from original QL video. (At least from my QLs - there seem to be video quality differences between mainboards.)

Can the black borders be removed?

Is there a closed case also?

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