instead of
Code: Select all
170 GET #5\0
Code: Select all
170 SCROLL #5,0,42

- I think that's just fair and fixes it in pure Sinclair style...
Code: Select all
170 GET #5\0
Code: Select all
170 SCROLL #5,0,42
Code: Select all
170 SCROLL #5,0,42
Code: Select all
170 SCROLL #5,0,42
Nah! Hit one evil with another.pjw wrote:tofro wrote:Cheat!Code: Select all
170 SCROLL #5,0,42
Or even read the section on the OPEN command in the SBASIC / SuperBASIC Reference Manual which does indeed note this bug:tofro wrote:
The "32768 OPENs per session" is apparently a bug that was only fixed in MG and newer (according to an old article in QL World here: ... s-SQPP.pdf , see page 21 of August '87, middle column bottom)
Code: Select all
ds = DEVICE_STATUS(1,"flp1_") : IF ds<0 : PRINT #0,"flp1_ "; : REPORT ds : STOP
OPEN_OVER #4,"ram2_map_files" : WDIR #4, "flp1_"
GET #4\0
REPeat files
IF EOF(#4) : EXIT files
INPUT #4, f$ : file$ = "flp1_" & f$
ds = DEVICE_STATUS(1,file$)
IF ds < 0 : PRINT #0,file$ !!; : REPORT ds : NEXT files
OPEN_IN #5,file$
REPeat details
IF EOF(#5) : EXIT details
INPUT #5, xy$
process xy$
END REPeat details
END REPeat files
PRINT #0,"map data processed"
The program was just a quick one to demonstrate what I thought was the bug. Not that I can use that as an excuse since most of my code is untidy.EmmBee wrote:Hi,
Your listing it is not exactly clear where you test for EOF(#5). Do you make this test at the beginning or the end of the loop? There is a comment about processing the data, but of course, it is quite common to add comments to the code about what this block will do. There is also a count added. The question is are you testing for EOF(#5) before or after the first piece of data has been read? You may indeed be doing this correctly, but it is far from clear going by how you have worded this. I hope you agree. The test for EOF must be made at the very beginning of the loop in case the file is empty. If this test is not made and the file is empty, then an error would occur. There are other things that can go wrong with a file, and it is usual to test for integrity before opening such. Do you make such tests? All important software usually does. On the QL, one of the best tools to use is DEVICE_STATUS from the Turbo toolkit. In case you are not already using this, it is well worth the time and effort to acquire and start using. This is how you could use such ...You mention FOPEN won't work. This is interesting. Would you like to expand? Can you give us some examples, please?Code: Select all
ds = DEVICE_STATUS(1,"flp1_") : IF ds<0 : PRINT #0,"flp1_ "; : REPORT ds : STOP OPEN_OVER #4,"ram2_map_files" : WDIR #4, "flp1_" GET #4\0 REPeat files IF EOF(#4) : EXIT files INPUT #4, f$ : file$ = "flp1_" & f$ ds = DEVICE_STATUS(1,file$) IF ds < 0 : PRINT #0,file$ !!; : REPORT ds : NEXT files OPEN_IN #5,file$ REPeat details IF EOF(#5) : EXIT details INPUT #5, xy$ process xy$ END REPeat details CLOSE #5 END REPeat files CLOSE #4 PRINT #0,"map data processed"
FOPEN and FOP_IN are part of the toolkit 2. They both support the default data device, and so can sometimes give unexpected results.
DEVICE_STATUS is far easier to use, as you have to use the full device plus filename, and so less confusion can result. I wish you the best with your project - hundreds of files about map data.