VAL function in SuperBasic
VAL function in SuperBasic
Hello all
In SuperBasic the VAL function does not exist because it is replaced by coercion which however is not as efficient as VAL.
Is there any toolkit that provides the VAL function on the QL?
Thank you
In SuperBasic the VAL function does not exist because it is replaced by coercion which however is not as efficient as VAL.
Is there any toolkit that provides the VAL function on the QL?
Thank you
Andrea from Italy 

Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
in case you have Minerva or SMSQ/E, you can pipe the VAL "evaluation line" as a program line to an S*Basic child job and have the result piped back from there. Proven to work. Standard QL ROMs unfortunately can't do that.
I am not aware of any Toolkit command that would support VAL or similar.
in case you have Minerva or SMSQ/E, you can pipe the VAL "evaluation line" as a program line to an S*Basic child job and have the result piped back from there. Proven to work. Standard QL ROMs unfortunately can't do that.
I am not aware of any Toolkit command that would support VAL or similar.
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Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
Yes but I need somothing similar to ZX Spectrum VAL function in case you have Minerva or SMSQ/E, you can pipe the VAL "evaluation line"
I find this:
EVAL (6K) - Two machine code functions allowing you to calculate numeric expressions from BASIC - many of the standard QL functions and up to three numeric variables may be used in the expressions. Assembler source included.
Can be usefull?
Andrea from Italy 

Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
I tried this software is that it is precisely the solution to the absence of the VAL function.EVAL (6K) - Two machine code functions allowing you to calculate numeric expressions from BASIC - many of the standard QL functions and up to three numeric variables may be used in the expressions. Assembler source included.
Thanks to the work of Thierry Godefroy
First you have to "compile" the string to evaluate with COMPIL$ and then you get the result with EVAL
function. For ex:
100 expr$="3+4*(5-2)/((342-1)*3+4*(7/2))"
110 err%=0
120 comp_exp$=COMPIL$(expr$)
130 result=EVAL(err%,comp_exp$,0)
140 IF err%=0
150 PRINT "Result: ";result
160 ELSE
170 PRINT "Error n. ";err%
180 END IF
Andrea from Italy 

Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
Thank you Andrea. Although this function is on my website, I have never really used it. I notice from the instructions it can take up to three numeric variables x,y,z too. Not quite a full VAL like Spectrum BASIC but still potentially very useful.Andrea.C wrote:I tried this software is that it is precisely the solution to the absence of the VAL function.EVAL (6K) - Two machine code functions allowing you to calculate numeric expressions from BASIC - many of the standard QL functions and up to three numeric variables may be used in the expressions. Assembler source included.
Thanks to the work of Thierry Godefroy
First you have to "compile" the string to evaluate with COMPIL$ and then you get the result with EVAL
function. For ex:
100 expr$="3+4*(5-2)/((342-1)*3+4*(7/2))"
110 err%=0
120 comp_exp$=COMPIL$(expr$)
130 result=EVAL(err%,comp_exp$,0)
140 IF err%=0
150 PRINT "Result: ";result
160 ELSE
170 PRINT "Error n. ";err%
180 END IF
I looked in Quanta Library Guide ... e-version/ just now, there are the following expression evaluators there too which might help if you are a member of Quanta.
Disk UT01 - "QL VAL" by Manuel Garcia
The function VAL added to S/basic. Evaluates a string containing an arithmetic expression. This overcomes the weakness of “coercion” in S/Basic, & adds an useful new facility. 2 examples supplied, & a version compatible with the Turbo & Supercharge compilers from D.P. Ltd. Associated files : Readme_doc, Qlval_boot, Qlval_cde, Examples_bas, Qlval_asm, Qlval2_cde, Qval2_boot, Cmp_doc, Runtime_exts, Runtime_boot, Numer_boot, Numeric_integration, Translat_doc.
DISK MA02 - "J_EVALUATOR" by J Haftke
The description reads: "An excellent calculator which copes with complex expressions. Assoc: Files: j_evaluator, j_eval_bin, qlib_run, ramdisc, j_boot."
I'll have to look into the copyright staus of these to see if they are restricted to Quanta library or not, to see if I can make them available.
All things QL -
All things QL -
Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
Hi tofro,tofro wrote:
in case you have Minerva or SMSQ/E, you can pipe the VAL "evaluation line" as a program line to an S*Basic child job and have the result piped back from there.
Can you give an example of how this can be done in QPC2, please.
Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
Hi all,
I can recommend this attempt at an expression evaluator ...
The above needs the Turbo toolkit and works by typing into the Interpreter's command line. It is only after the temporary STOP that the typed in commands can be read and acted upon. The CONTINUE statement causes the VAL function to resume and then returns the result of the expression entered. Everything tidies up nicely. Any and all current variables can be used, along with any currently defined functions. This code only works in S*BASIC - not Turbo compiled, and there is no error trapping, except for the error messages given by the Interpreter. Any errors give a result of 0.
I can recommend this attempt at an expression evaluator ...
Code: Select all
DEFine FuNction VAL(x$)
LOCal result
result = 0
IF x$ <> FILL$(" ",LEN(x$))
TYPE_IN "result = " & x$ & CHR$(10)
RETurn result
REPeat loop
INPUT "Expn? "; e$
PRINT " = "; VAL((e$))
END REPeat loop
- Aurora
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:03 pm
Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
EmmBee's program works well on my SGC QL, but not under SMSQ, nor therefore with QPC2, as stated.
This is because of the way SMSQ handles the keyboard queues. (Under SMSQ, ESCape from the program by hitting the 'windows' key...)
To improve error messages :
in place of result=0 let result$=x$
Change TYPE_In "result"... to "result$"...
append END IF : result=result$
This will at least halt the program when something is amiss, in two different ways, (ANd allow expressions to evaluate to zero).
As for SMSQ, I can find no solution to the problem... as even QPC2 gets confused with keyboard queues occasionally! (eg Quill data getting into superbasic #0 ).
Steve Poole.
EmmBee's program works well on my SGC QL, but not under SMSQ, nor therefore with QPC2, as stated.
This is because of the way SMSQ handles the keyboard queues. (Under SMSQ, ESCape from the program by hitting the 'windows' key...)
To improve error messages :
in place of result=0 let result$=x$
Change TYPE_In "result"... to "result$"...
append END IF : result=result$
This will at least halt the program when something is amiss, in two different ways, (ANd allow expressions to evaluate to zero).
As for SMSQ, I can find no solution to the problem... as even QPC2 gets confused with keyboard queues occasionally! (eg Quill data getting into superbasic #0 ).
Steve Poole.
Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
Perhaps experimenting with the keyboard settings on QPC2's front panel could make a difference to the keyboard queue handling.
Taking Steve's idea a bit further, we can implement a more robust version of VAL by using S*BASIC's coercion ability, to return any data type, coerced into a string. If our new function is called VAL$, we could do things such as ...
n = VAL$("2+3+4+5")
x$ = VAL$("'ABC' & '___' & 'xyz'")
n% = VAL$("33 DIV 2")
Here's the new function ...
The STOP command causes a return to the command interpreter, and allows the TYPED_IN command to do its work. The RETurn statement causes VAL$ to continue, and returns the result of the expression.
When developing some S*BASIC program, I may wish to stop at same place in the code to check that all is going as expected. Usually it is the value of variables that will need to be checked, but also the value of some expressions can also be useful. This is where these expression evaluators can come in very handy. The actual values may not need to be be recorded, but just need to be displayed on the screen. Helpfully, what could be displayed is something along these lines ...
x = 123
y = 200
dev$ = ram5_
Displaying this info on the screen can avoid the need of having write them down on paper. Using the same technique as used in VAL$, here is Vprint ...
Notice that the STOP command is there, as with VAL$, which is necessary for this code to work. This procedure can be Turbo compiled or Interpreted. It would be a better performer compiled, since there would be no local variables possibly interfering and producing incorrect results. The code would need to be added to, to cope with the multi-tasking of the Turbo code and S*BASIC. Possibly a HOT_DO command may be needed. Also, as noted, Turbo would need to wait until the interpreter's cursor is at the left edge of the window, with no bad line, before continuing and displaying the prompt again. This additional work could be quite involved.
Best regards,
Taking Steve's idea a bit further, we can implement a more robust version of VAL by using S*BASIC's coercion ability, to return any data type, coerced into a string. If our new function is called VAL$, we could do things such as ...
n = VAL$("2+3+4+5")
x$ = VAL$("'ABC' & '___' & 'xyz'")
n% = VAL$("33 DIV 2")
Here's the new function ...
Code: Select all
100 DEFine FuNction VAL$(expn$)
110 IF expn$ = FILL$(" ",LEN(expn$)) : RETurn expn$
130 TYPE_IN "RETurn " & expn$ & CHR$(10)
140 STOP
150 END DEFine VAL$
160 :
170 REPeat loop
180 INPUT "Expn? "; e$
190 PRINT " = "; VAL$((e$))
200 END REPeat loop
When developing some S*BASIC program, I may wish to stop at same place in the code to check that all is going as expected. Usually it is the value of variables that will need to be checked, but also the value of some expressions can also be useful. This is where these expression evaluators can come in very handy. The actual values may not need to be be recorded, but just need to be displayed on the screen. Helpfully, what could be displayed is something along these lines ...
x = 123
y = 200
dev$ = ram5_
Displaying this info on the screen can avoid the need of having write them down on paper. Using the same technique as used in VAL$, here is Vprint ...
Code: Select all
220 DEFine PROCedure Vprint
230 LOCal lp, Lin$(1024), qt$(1)
240 REPeat lp
250 INPUT #0,"Vprint "; Lin$ : IF Lin$ = "" : RETurn
260 IF "'" INSTR Lin$ : qt$ = '"' : ELSE qt$ = "'"
270 IF qt$ INSTR Lin$
280 PRINT #0," - Can only use one quote mark - not both" : NEXT lp
290 END IF
310 TYPE_IN "PRINT ! " & qt$ & Lin$ & " =" & qt$ & " ! " & Lin$ & CHR$(10)
330 PAUSE 50 : REMark Really need to wait until SB completes with no bad line
340 ELSE
360 END IF
370 END REPeat lp
380 END DEFine Vprint
Best regards,
Re: VAL function in SuperBasic
It worked here on my QPC2, but the problem is, that it doesn't return an error, if there is an "error in expression". In addition it does not work with MultiBASIC jobs.stevepoole wrote:Hi,
EmmBee's program works well on my SGC QL, but not under SMSQ, nor therefore with QPC2, as stated.
So I have improved the program. It is now compatible with MultiBASIC and it needs a second string parameter, which must be a string variable, as it is assigned an error message, so that you can test afterwards if there was an error. If there was no error (a correct expression was passed in the first parameter) this variable is set to the empty string ("").
I also have renamed the function, cause it is no BASIC VAL() function. Look what VAL in Visual BASIC, C64 BASIC, ... does. The Spectrum VAL() function is special. So I choosed the name EVAL(expr$,error_result$). This is the same function name as in Python (which also has such a nice function). BTW: A normal BASIC compatible VAL() function (not Spectrum VAL) would be useful too.
Here is the code together with a simple test program, Turbo Toolkit Version 3.40 or higher(!) and SuperToolkit II is required:
Code: Select all
100 REMark Test for EVAL(string$,error_result$) SuperBASIC function
110 :
120 a$="10":rorre$="":REMark default no error
130 a=EVAL("3*4+a$",rorre$)
140 IF (rorre$ <> "")
150 PRINT rorre$
160 ELSE
170 PRINT a
180 END IF
30000 :
32100 REMark Support PROCedures AND FuNctions
32110 :
32120 DEFine FuNction EVAL(x$,err$)
32130 LOCal result,test$
32140 err$="":pi%=FOPEN("CON")
32150 po%=FOPEN("CON"):CLOSE#po%:CLOSE#pi%
32160 IF FOP_NEW(#po%,"PIPE_1024"):err$="Cannot open PIPE":RETurn 0
32170 CONNECT po% TO pi%
32180 result = 0
32190 test$="PRINT#po%,"&x$
32210 IF x$ <> FILL$(" ",LEN(x$))
32260 TYPE_IN test$&CHR$(10)
32270 TYPE_IN FILL$(CHR$(194),LEN(test$))&"CONTINUE"&CHR$(10):STOP
32280 CLOSE#po%:IF EOF(#pi%):CLOSE#pi%:err$="Error in expression":RETurn 0
32290 CLOSE#pi%
32300 TYPE_IN "result = " & x$ & CHR$(10)
32340 TYPE_IN "CONTINUE" & CHR$(10)
32380 STOP
32420 END IF
32460 RETurn result
32500 END DEFine EVAL
GERMAN! QL-Download page also available in English: GETLINE$() function, UNIX-like "ls" command, improved DIY-Toolkit function EDLINE$ - All with source. AND a good Python 3 Tutorial (German) for Win/UNIX
GERMAN! QL-Download page also available in English: GETLINE$() function, UNIX-like "ls" command, improved DIY-Toolkit function EDLINE$ - All with source. AND a good Python 3 Tutorial (German) for Win/UNIX