Thankfully the DNS blocklist feature of Net2BBS blocks most of the rogue connections before they even get a chance to get the BBS login screen. So much for the 'Internet of Things

I'm considering installing OpenSSH on this machine so that you at least have a secure connection without your password being sent in plain text

In any case it won't be less secure than this forum (which doesn't use HTTPS

Now the next thing to do is make QLterm work properly using TCP/IP (which should be quite easy) and get Download and Upload working (which should be harder). I guess using Xmodem these days is out of the question so the solution would be to use an external Zmodem library (perhaps from QTPI). Or maybe look at the source of QTPI to see if it can be fixed?
It would also be nice to have THE_DISTRIBUTION available as download... but this is mostly a matter of converting the index.html files to FILES.BBS which should't be too hard as they already have the correct format...
later, Jan.