QL Software (Preservation Project) List

A collection of QL services and websites.
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RWAP Master
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Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:51 pm
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QL Software (Preservation Project) List

Post by RWAP »

A list of all commercial software Sinclair QL software titles has been compiled from my own preservation project and appears at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/84m3eizdplf9f ... .xlsx?dl=0

The list also contains a note of the known publisher / copyright owner at the time, plus the name of the author and its preservation status. Where the software is missing in action it is marked as MIA (or corrupt if I only have a partial copy). Where I have managed to obtain permission from the copyright author to make the program freeware it is marked freeware with a date (2014 onwards).

This list will need further cleaning up and additions by the community - plenty of people to try and track down and authors to identify.

Looking back through old QL magazines will no doubt provide a list of even more titles which need to be added so get to it....

I am not responsible for tracking down the copyright holders and getting their permission. Please try if you can and then if you ask the copyright holder to email me via the RWAP Software website, I will provide a copy of the software for Dilwyn's site where I can.

It might help track people down if you find time to add/ update the information on the QL Wiki too (another community project).

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