Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by dilwyn »

pjw wrote:Dilwyn,
surprisingly gives me a bit of a headache headache as it doesn't work on a QL with Minerva
Sorry for your double headache. I hope you quickly manage to resolve them!

Double headache? Oh, I see - nice typo, Dilwyn.
Per is such a helpful guy, I'd like to point out that his notes on how to reassemble Minerva are still on my website's QL ROMs page http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/qlrom/index.html (scroll down to Disassemblies & Sources section)

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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Per,
pjw wrote:Derek,

The moment I had posted my reply, it occurred to me that it might be sufficient to merely pad the existing ROM to 48k, rather than Make it from source, but it was 3.30 in the morning, so I thought What the hell, itll be a fun experience for people to assemble their own version! - And then you went and spoiled it ;)
I am sorry for spoiling anything for you, but I hoped, your idea of padding out of the rom image to the correct size would work, which it did. I am grateful to you for this.
At least I had the satisfaction of assembling v1.98 from scratch from within QPC2, using the tools that come with the SMSQ/E sources, and then, for the hell of it, doing the same again using QemuLator, running the resulting Minerva 1.98 ROM image, to build itself! So strangely gratifying it must be a sin!

(Just kidding this time)
But the process of assembling Minerva is very good, as I was struggling with this.

I think you should take a lot of credit for this information.


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Re: Minerva 1.98 vs QemuLator

Post by pjw »

But the process of assembling Minerva is very good, as I was struggling with this.
I think you should take a lot of credit for this information.
Nice of you to say so. The real credit should go to those who made it all possible in the first place!

For those of you who havent tried it out: Wolfgang has done a great job of making SMSQ/E easy to build for almost any platform, so its simple enough to make your own OS as and when new versions appear. On a reasonably ordinary computer the code for all the various platforms can be assembled and built at once (if you like) in a matter of minutes. For QL systems, the latest Pointer Environment (including the Hotkey system) can be built using the same system and sources.


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